<Japanese Version>
<English Version>
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<Japanese Version>
<English Version>
(Double Click the Filename)
<Japanese Version> 20年以上以前のずっと昔は Mac PC と Microsoft PC は相容れないものであったが、最近の Mac PC では Microsoft の WINDOWS10 とか 11 と言った Windows OS をインストール出来、動くようになっているそうで驚いている。これは Microsoft OS で動くパソコンが世界に広く比較的多数普及して大衆化しており、WINDOWS OS で動くゲームやアプリの数が安価に増え普及が進んでいて、 Apple としても安閑として座視しておれないためらしい。WEBで調べてみると、WINDOWS10 や 11 を有料で購入して持っているユーザーはそれを手持ちの比較的新しい Mac PC (製造後5年以内くらいの)に無料でインストールして一つのパソコンが Mac と WINDOWS を併用できるらしく、その PC 内での OS の切り替えもスムーズに出来るそうだ。但し、WINDOWS OS を入れたために Mac アプリの一部の機能が使えなくなることも稀にあるそうで、そのための Mac アプリの機能回復ソフトのインストールやバックアップも同時にやっておくと良いらしい。しかし、一方で WINDOWS PC には Mac OS はインストールできない。私の場合は、Mac 専用の PC と Microsoft 専用の PC の2台を持っているから今の所1台の PC に2つの OS を入れる必要は未だないが、いずれ1台の PC になる時が何年か後には来るかも知れない。
<English Version> Mac PCs and Microsoft PCs used to be incompatible more than 20 years ago, but recently Mac PCs are able to install and run Microsoft's Windows OS such as Windows 10 and 11. This is because the number of PCs running Microsoft OS has been spreading widely in the world, and the number of games and applications running on Windows OS has been increasing at low cost, and Apple cannot sit idly by. I found on the web that users who have purchased WINDOWS10 or WINDOWS11 for a fee can install it in their relatively new Mac PC (within 5 years of manufacture) for free and use both Mac and WINDOWS in a single PC. However, it is said that some functions of Mac applications may become unusable due to the installation of WINDOWS OS, so it is recommended to install function recovery software and backups of Mac applications at the same time. However, on the other hand, Mac OS cannot be installed on a WINDOWS PC. In my case, I have a Mac-only PC and a Microsoft-only PC, so I don't need to install two OS on one PC yet, but the time may come in a few years when I will have only one PC.
商品名 :TP-Link Archer T2U V3 AC600 USB Wi-Fiアダプター
販売店 :ECカレント
メーカー:TP-Link Archer
価 格:1,725円(送料別)
商品説明:PCに取付けて Wi-F iを稼働させるために使うワイアレス USB アダプター
<Japanese Version> 50年ほど前に革新系反戦団体に加盟した若者は大抵は大学生が多数だったのだろうが、その頃彼らの所属する革新系団体の資金的・物質的・精神的な支えは中国・北朝鮮やソ連などの共産圏国家が支えていて、日本国内での革命行動の実行を内々に命じていたのであろう。その一翼を担ったのが桐島容疑者らが起こした大企業に対する一連の続爆破事件であり、それで多数の一般の人々が死傷した。
<English Version> The young people who joined the anti-war groups about 50 years ago were
usually university students. At that time, their groups were financially,
materially, and spiritually supported by communist bloc countries such
as China, North Korea, and the Soviet Union, which probably gave them unofficial
orders to carry out revolutionary actions in Japan. One part of this
was a series of bombings of major corporations carried out by the Kirishima
suspects, which killed and injured a large number of ordinary people. Satoshi
Kirishima, now over 70 years old and suffering from terminal cancer, was
taken to a hospital and given treatment under the health insurance system,
so he was forced to use his real name. He died three days after being
taken into custody, so he must have been very sick. However, his relatives,
including his brother? and other relatives publicly declared that they
would refuse to accept the body. He may have said selfishly as ever,
"I want to go back to my hometown to rest and die," but
even though it was a youthful mistake, the abominable stigma attached to
Satoshi Kirishima for the past 50 years must have been unforgivable for
his relatives. Despite his own feelings, will he have to be buried in
obscurity? It seems to me that the youthful aspiration to bring about a
revolution in the world will leave nothing but emptiness in its wake when
it crumbles.
商品名 :Polaris Office【ダウンロード版】Windows10,11用オフィスソフト
販売店 :公式ショップ
価 格:3,600円(送料無料)
送 付:ダウンロード用ライセンス番号、シリアル番号、DL用 URL が宅配される
<Japanese Version> 旧職場で私が30年くらい前に始めたゴルフ会は毎年数回ゴルフ会をやるそうで、現役の職員や退職した仲間が今も集まってプレーし、親睦を保っているそうだ。私は5年程前に腰を痛めて以来参加していないが、今回仲間の平均年齢が上がったことも手伝って参加者が減り次回3月の大会を最後にして解散しようと言うことになったそうだ。それで最初の会長を務めた私に是非出て来て欲しいと要請があった。わざわざ掛かってきた電話口では「では夕方にする軽食会には出席するかな」と止む無く答えてしまったが、定年退職して17年も経った旧職場の偉い人達が来るゴルフ会には正直言って余り進んで出席する気はしない。ま、最後だと言うから仕方ないかとも思うが、最初の会長がなんで最後の会に出席しなければならぬのかも意味が掴めずどうも分かり辛い。
<English Version> The golf club that I started about 30 years ago at my former workplace has several golf outings each year, and the current employees and retired colleagues still get together to play and maintain friendship. I have not participated since I injured my back about 5 years ago, and they have decided to dissolve the group after the next tournament in March due to a decrease in the number of participants, helped by the increase in the average age of the group. So they asked me, who was the first president of the club, to come out and participate in the next convention. I answered in the phone that I would attend the refreshment in the evening, but to tell the truth, I would not willingly attend a golf tournament attended by the top executives of my former workplace who have been retired for 17 years. Well, I guess it can't be helped that it is the last meeting, but it is hard to understand why the first chairman has to attend the last meeting.
品名 :Polaris Office【ダウンロード版】Windows10,11用オフィスソフト
販売店 :公式ショップ
価 格:3,600円(送料無料)
送 付:ダウンロード用ライセンス番号、シリアル番号、DL用 URL が宅配される
<Japanese Version> 琵琶湖には水が275億トンあると言い、平均して毎秒150万トン前後の水量が瀬田川洗い堰から排出され、下流域の1,500万人の人を潤している。しかし、渇水期には排出量は減量され、増水期には増量される。琵琶湖に流れ込む川は多数あるが、琵琶湖から流れ出る川は南部の瀬田川(後に宇治川・淀川と名前を変える)1本だけで、その水流出量などは国が滋賀県大津市の南郷洗い堰を守る国土省の近畿地方整備局によって調整管理されている。そしてその管理政策の基本は流水を利用する滋賀県と下流の京都府・大阪府・奈良県・兵庫県が流出量の増減・汚染問題などを協議して決めているそうだ。昨年秋からの琵琶湖周辺の降雨量が少ないため今の時期の琵琶湖数位は59cmと若干例年より低目らしいが、湖北地方に雪の備蓄もあるし、全体的にそれ程心配した量でもなさそうだ。下流での取水制限をすると京都・大阪では世間が騒がしくなるからタイミングは難しいが、これから春季雨季シーズンに入る筈だから何とか持ち返すだろう。今琵琶湖の水が多いと4~5月の大雨シーズンに下流域で洪水が起こって琵琶湖の放水が出来難くなるから今の時期琵琶湖水位がー60cmは丁度手頃な量であろう。
<English Version> Lake Biwa is said to hold 27.5 billion tons of water, and on average, about 1.5 million tons of water per second is discharged from the Setagawa washing weir, which supplies 15 million people in the downstream area. However, the discharge is reduced during drought periods and increased during periods of high water. Although there are many rivers flowing into Lake Biwa, only one river, the Seta River (later renamed the Uji River and the Yodo River) in the southern part of the lake, has a flow out of Lake Biwa, and its water runoff is regulated and managed by the Kinki Regional Development Bureau of the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport, which protects the Nango-Washigam in Otsu City, Shiga Prefecture. The basic management policy is decided by Shiga Prefecture, which uses the water, and the downstream prefectures of Kyoto, Osaka, Nara, and Hyogo, through discussions on the increase or decrease of the outflow volume and pollution problems. Due to the lack of rainfall around Lake Biwa since last autumn, the level of the lake at this time of year is said to be slightly lower than usual at 59 cm, but there is a stockpile of snow in the northern part of the lake, and overall, the amount does not seem to be that worrisome. The timing is difficult to determine, since restricting water intake downstream would cause a public uproar in Kyoto and Osaka, but since the spring rainy season is expected to begin from now on, the situation should somehow improve. If the water level in Lake Biwa is too high now, flooding will occur in the downstream areas during the heavy rain season in April and May, making it difficult to discharge water into Lake Biwa. When I moved to Shiga Prefecture in the late 1965's, the Japanese economy was advancing and people were abandoning garbage and detergents, and Lake Biwa was very dirty. However, new problems have emerged, such as red tides and the overgrowth of non-native weeds due to increased plankton and phosphorus elements. Lake Biwa is said to be deep in the northern part of the lake and shallow in the southern part. It is said that a large amount of water flowing in from the northern part of the lake enters the deepest part of the lake in the north, and if the water is not replaced, the water quality will deteriorate and the ecosystem will change or deteriorate, making it a difficult problem to solve. It is not just a simple matter of water coming in and going out.
商品名 :Polaris Office【ダウンロード版】Windows10,11用オフィスソフト WORD・Painshop・Exel・PDFの機能ソフトが含まれている
販売店 :amisoft DLストア
価 格:3,960円(送料無料) 説明追加:ダウンロード用ライセンス番号、シリアル番号、DL用
URL が宅配される
<Japanese Version> 滋賀医大で昨年11月19~20日に受信したSESSA (滋賀医大動脈硬化疫学研究)の受診者別診断結果・調査の結果が送付されてきた。大体予想通りの異常診断結果が主として以下の4か所が指摘されていた。
3)頭部 MRI 検査の結果、左前頭葉と小脳に塞栓症を疑う所見を認めた。
<English Version> The results of the SESSA (Shiga University School of Medicine Study
of the Epidemiology of Sclerosis of the Atherosclerosis), which was conducted
at Shiga University of Medical Science on November 19-20, 2011, were sent
to us. The results of abnormal diagnoses were as expected, mainly in
the following four areas
(1) A cardiac CT scan showed severe arteriosclerotic changes in the blood
(2) Resting electrocardiogram showed atrial fibrillation (arrhythmia).
(3) An MRI scan of the head revealed findings of suspected embolism in
the left frontal lobe and cerebellum.
(4) Respiratory function tests revealed high levels of nitric oxide, suggesting
the possibility of allergies such as rhinitis and asthma.
These are things that have been pointed out to many elderly people, including
myself, in view of their advanced age. In particular, the first question
is the degree of allergy, and I wonder if the catheter should be inserted
immediately. In any case, I will bring these materials to my doctor
for consultation when I go to see him for a regular checkup in mid-March,
but I should be careful since his judgment tends to be to have me diagnosed
and treated.
商品名 :Polaris Office【ダウンロード版】Windows10,11用オフィスソフト WORD・Painshop・Exel・PDFの機能ソフトが含まれている
販売店 :amisoft セキュリティ&サポート
価 格:3,780円(送料無料)
送付物 :ダウンロード用ライセンス番号、シリアル番号、DL用 URL が宅配される
<Japanese Version> 世界的な音楽指揮者・小澤征爾氏(88歳)が1月6日亡くなられたそうだ、死因は心不全だと言う。日本の音楽家として世界を舞台にこれだけ広く活躍されていたのは恐らく彼だけだろう。音楽の世界だけなく”人”としてこれだけ世界に名と実力を知られ煌めいた日本人は歴史上彼だけではないかと思う。大指揮者のカラヤン、バーンスタイン、ミュンシュ、斎藤秀雄氏(チェリスト、指揮者)に師事しニューヨークフィル、オーストリアフィル、ボストンフィル、東京フィルハーモニーの指揮者を長年勤めた実力は流石である。世界に出て行ったのは彼が若かりし頃に東京フィルの楽団員と対立したことが切っ掛けだと言うから、何が人間の原動力の源になるか誰にも分からない。1972年に日本芸術院賞、2003年サントリー音楽賞、2008年に文化勲章、2016年に米グラミー賞を受賞したそうだから凄い。 筑波大名誉教授の小澤俊夫さんは兄、俳優の小澤幹雄さんは弟。俳優の小澤征悦(ゆきよし)さんは息子、エッセイストの小澤征良(せいら)さんは娘。ミュージシャンの小沢健二さんは甥と言うから、多彩な一族だ。ご苦労様、有難うございました。
<English Version> World-renowned music conductor Seiji Ozawa, 88, passed away on January 6, reportedly from heart failure. He was probably the only Japanese musician who was so widely active on the world stage. He was probably the only Japanese musician who was so widely active on the world stage, not only in the world of music, but also as a person whose fame and ability were known throughout the world and who shone brightly in history. He studied under great conductors such as Karajan, Bernstein, Munsch, and Hideo Saito (cellist and conductor) and served as the conductor of the New York Philharmonic, Austrian Philharmonic, Boston Philharmonic, and Tokyo Philharmonic for many years. He was awarded the Japan Art Academy Prize in 1972, the Suntory Music Award in 2003, the Order of Culture in 2008, and a Grammy in 2016. Amazing. Toshio Ozawa, professor emeritus at the University of Tsukuba, is his older brother, and actor Mikio Ozawa is his younger brother. Actor Yukiyoshi Ozawa is his son, and essayist Seira Ozawa is his daughter. Musician Kenji Ozawa is his nephew, making them a diverse family. Thank you very much for your hard work.
商品名 :Polaris Office【ダウンロード版】Windows10,11用オフィスソフト WORD・Painshop・Exel・PDFの機能ソフトを含む
販売店 :amisoft セキュリティ&サポート
価 格:3,780円(送料無料)
送付物 :ダウンロード用ライセンス番号、シリアル番号、DL用 URL が宅配される
<Japanese Version> この Blog を英語化し外国人の閲覧者を増やして集客力をアップしたいと考えている。私の場合和英翻訳の能力は甚だ低いと思っているので、Google 翻訳の力を借りたいと思っている。WIKIPEDIA によると、Google 翻訳 Google Translate)は WEB上で行われ文章保護などのセキュリティー保護が行われるらしく、Google が提供する翻訳サイト・翻訳アプリで、テキスト(5000字以内)、もしくはウェブページ全体を164ヶ国の他言語に翻訳するサービスである。文章の言語識別や、入出力した文字の音声変換機能を持つと言い、無料で利用できる。5000字以内のテキスト言語が短時間に翻訳できると言うから凄い。昔、科学系の科学論文を苦労して書き、編集チェッカーから「英語が下手だなぁ」とこき下ろされたものだが、最近ではそんなことも稀になったんだろうなと思う。もう10年くらい経つと多言語会話なんて言うのも楽になるんだろうと思われるが、どうなんだろうか?
<English Version> I would like to translate the original Japanese Blog into English to increase the number of foreign viewers and improve our ability to attract customers. In my case, I think my Japanese-English translation skills are extremely low, so I would like to use the power of Google Translate. According to WIKIPEDIA, Google Translate (Google Translate) is performed on the web and security protection such as text protection is provided, also Google Translate (Google Translate) is a translation site/translation app provided by Google, and is a service that translates text (up to 5000 characters) or entire web pages into other languages in 164 countries. It is said to have the ability to identify the language of text and convert input and output characters into speech, and is available for free. It is amazing that it can translate texts of up to 5000 characters in a short time. In the past, I would struggle to write a scientific paper and be criticized by the editorial checker for saying, ''your English is bad,'' but I think that kind of thing has become rare these days. It seems like it will be easier to have multilingual conversations in about 10 years, but what do you think?
商品名 :Polaris Office【ダウンロード版】Windows10,11用オフィスソフト WORD・PowerPoint・Exel・PDFと同機能ソフトが含まれている
販売店 :amisoft セキュリティ&サポート
価 格:3,600円(送料無料)
送付物 :ダウンロード用ライセンス番号、シリアル番号、DL用 URL が宅配される
<Japanese Version> 我が家は今から18年程前(2007年頃)屋根に太陽光パネル(シャープサンビスタ)を取り付けて200V発電(エアコンのようなモーターを動かすのは一般的な100vの電気よりも効率的であるそうだ)をしてオール電化にして使っている。オール電化にするとキッチンで油などが燃えず煙が出ないから換気扇付近が綺麗で、その上火災やガス中毒の心配がなく火災保険代も少し安くなると言うから安心で便利だ。昼間の余剰電力は関西電力に売電し、夜間は100%買電していた。夜間の買電は真夜中の安い電気で400L 貯湯タンクを沸かし、朝から晩のキッチン、風呂、手洗いにその湯を使っている。太陽光パネルを取り付けた後十数年は政府が太陽光発電を奨励したので、売電料金は1kWh50円近くあり、因みに買電代は1kWh30円弱と凡そ20円の差があった。オール電化の毎月の電気代は平均15,000円くらいであろう。1年の内で発電量の多いのは5月と10月である。1日の発電量は年平均では10kWh/日程度であり、この内凡そ3kWhが売電に回っていたから月当たりの売電量は平均4,500円/月くらいあった。発電しても買電の方が売電よりも多いから毎月の電気代は平均15,000円/月以上掛かり、発電と買電の差で電気代は毎月平均10,000円を支払っていた。熱源として電気・ガス・灯油を使っていた時代は月平均20,000円以上掛かっていたので約半分で済んでおり、老後の生活経費の節減に大きな力になっていて有難いことであった。所が、政府の太陽光パネル取付け政策が太陽光発電の不安定さのために減退して買電代が4年程前から1kWh8円と大幅に減少し、余剰電力は売電ではなく自宅で蓄電する方式に切り変わったが、我家はまだ蓄電設備は比較的高価なために設置していない。
昨日、関西電力大阪契約管理センターと言う所から手紙が来て「2024年2月分の受給電力が 0kWh となっており、発電していない可能性がある」ことを知らせて呉れた。太陽光発電パネルを取付けてもう直ぐ20年になるのだから故障するのも当たり前なんだが、昨年末(11月20日)に取り替えたエアコン1基を200Vに変換する工事をした時に、その電源をシャープサンビスタから取る工事をしたのでそれが悪かった可能性もあるので、関西電力に電話して調べて貰ったところ「受給電力が 0kWh」になったのは今年の1月8日からと言うことで、エアコン工事とは直接関係ないらしい。いずれにしても、2月22日にシャープ滋賀支店から点検しに来てくれることになっているが、来るだけで出張料5,500円/日が掛かるらしいから最近は消費者も何かと大変だ。その結果、係員1名が来て発電モニター上の「発電・売電しますボタン」を押すと発電量の数値が出て来たが、それを1月7日に誰かが触って発電が無くなったらしことが判明した。ついでに、サンビスタ関係を15分ほど掛けて調べて呉れたが異常なしであり、一寸ガッカリした結果となったが大過なくて安堵した次第である。
<English Version> Tonight, the Japan women's soccer team will play the final game to decide the second Asian spot for the Paris Olympics at a soccer field in Saudi Arabia, and I'm looking forward to it because NHK will be broadcasting it on TV. The first and second matches of the Asian soccer games to select nations for the Paris Olympics are usually held at the venues of the two competing countries, but this time the first match was held on February 24th at a venue in North Korea. However, since North Korea does not allow Japanese nationals to enter the country, they are unable to send a cheering squad, and the Japan Football Association appears to have been in contention until the last minute, asking FIFA to host the tournament in a neutral country. So, the day before yesterday, it was finally decided that the event would be held in Saudi Arabia, and the Japanese team left immediately, but the North Korean team apparently arrived in Saudi Arabia yesterday afternoon, including the players who may be suffering from jet lag and not being able to show their full potential. This is a shame because it will cause great trouble to the national team, the soccer association, and North Korea's opponent countries. It's one of the few sports in North Korea that can field an Olympic team, so I wish they could come up with a way to make preparations for the games more pleasant, but it's troubling that they seem so stubborn. If this is the case, I would like to say that they should not participate in the game to determine the second Asian spot for Olympics.
商品名 :Polaris Office【ダウンロード版】Windows10,11用オフィスソフト WORD・Painshop・Exel・PDFの機能ソフトが含まれている
販売店 :amisoft セキュリティ&サポート
価 格:3,780円(送料無料)
送付物 :ダウンロード用ライセンス番号、シリアル番号、DL用 URL が宅配される
<Japanese Version> 今夜は女子サッカーの日本代表がサウジアラビアのサッカー場でパリ五輪アジア出場枠2を決める最終段階のゲームが行われるのだが、NHKがTV放送するらしいから楽しみにしている。アジアサッカーのパリ五輪出場国選出ゲームは、通常は対戦する2国の会場で第1戦、第2戦が行われ今回の第1戦は2月24日北朝鮮の会場で開催となっていたのだが、北朝鮮は日本国民の入国を認めていないから応援団を送れないことで日本サッカー協会がFIFAに中立国開催を求めて直前まで揉めていたらしい。それで一昨日サウジアラビア開催がやっと決まり、日本選手団はすぐに出かけたが北朝鮮選手団は昨日午後にサウジアラビアに到着したそうで、時差ぼけなどの弊害や実力を出し切れないであろう選手団を含めて代表チームやサッカー協会、北朝鮮の対戦相手国には大変迷惑を掛けることであり気の毒なことだ。北朝鮮国ではオリンピック代表チームを出せ得る数少ないスポーツなのでもっと気持ちよくゲームが準備できる対応策を考えれば良いのにと思うが、どうも頭が固いようで困った話である。こんなことならパリ五輪アジア出場枠2を決めるゲームには初めから参加するなよと言いたいほどだ。
<第2戦後> 2月28日夕刻から第2戦が日本の国立競技場で行われ、日本が2-1で勝利しパリ五輪アジア出場を決めたが、これもやや危ない試合で、余裕を持って勝った試合ではなかった。割合簡単にボールを取られてしまうのだ。だからパリ五輪でもベスト4くらいの所かと思う。それにしても会場で赤旗を振る人間が多く見られ、北朝鮮応援団は2万人ほどはいたのではないかと思われるが、その一部は南朝鮮人も多少は入っていた事だろう。
<English Version> Tonight, the Japan women's soccer team will play the final game to decide the second Asian spot for the Paris Olympics at a soccer field in Saudi Arabia, and I'm looking forward to it because NHK will be broadcasting it on TV. The first and second matches of the Asian soccer games to select nations for the Paris Olympics are usually held at the venues of the two competing countries, but this time the first match was held on February 24th at a venue in North Korea. However, since North Korea does not allow Japanese nationals to enter the country, they are unable to send a cheering squad, and the Japan Football Association appears to have been in contention until the last minute, asking FIFA to host the tournament in a neutral country. So, the day before yesterday, it was finally decided that the event would be held in Saudi Arabia, and the Japanese team left immediately, but the North Korean team apparently arrived in Saudi Arabia yesterday afternoon, including the players who may be suffering from jet lag and not being able to show their full potential. This is a shame because it will cause great trouble to the national team, the soccer association, and North Korea's opponent countries. It's one of the few sports in North Korea that can field an Olympic team, so I wish they could come up with a way to make preparations for the games more pleasant, but it's troubling that they seem so stubborn. If this is the case, I would like to say that they should not participate in the game to determine the second Asian spot for Olympics.
<Second Game> The second game was held at Japan's National Stadium on the evening of February 28th, and Japan Team won 2-1, clinching their place in Asia at the Paris Olympics. The ball is easily stolen, so I think I'll be in the top four at the Paris Olympics. Even so, many people could be seen waving red flags at the venue, and there must have been around 20,000 people cheering for North Korea, and some of them were probably South Koreans as well.
<Japanese Version> 一昨日2月23日~25日は天皇誕生日・土・日と三連休で、同じような三連休が1年の内には5~6回ある。2月下旬は梅や早咲き桜の季節で、大学の同窓会でも2月28日に伏見の城南宮で枝垂れ梅見物と京都東急ホテルでの昼食会を行い、今の所11名が参加となっている。卒業同級生は170名ほどいたが、80数歳にもなると自らの健康や色々の事情があって参加者が少ないのも仕方がない事であろう。梅は源氏物語に屡々登場し、城南宮もその内の一つである。梅(開花が2月中旬~3月上旬)は平安時代に中国から移植されて日本で広がったものであり、桜(満開が短く3月上旬が開花時期)は江戸時代に梅(満開が長い)?が日本で改良されたものらしい。
<English Version> The day before yesterday, February 23rd to 25th, was a three-day holiday that included the Emperor's birthday (Friday), Saturday, and Sunday, and there are five or six similar three-day holidays in a year. Late February is the season for plum blossoms and early-blooming cherry blossoms, and the university's alumni reunion held a weeping plum blossom viewing event at Jonangu Shrine in Fushimi on February 28th and a luncheon at the Kyoto Tokyu Hotel, with 11 participants so far. There were about 170 of my classmates who graduated, but it can't be helped that there were so few participants due to their own health and various other circumstances as they reach the age of 80. Plums often appear in The Tale of Genji, and Jonangu Shrine is one of them. Plum blossoms (flowering from mid-February to early March) were transplanted from China during the Heian period and spread in Japan, while cherry blossoms (flowering for a short time in full bloom until early March) were developed in the Edo period by plum blossoms (flowering for a long time in full bloom)? It seems that it was improved in Japan.
<Japanese Version> パソコンで使うアプリケーションには様々あるが、メーカーがその販売方法を最近はかなり変えてきた。昔はアプリケーションを CD などに入れ使用説明書などと共に1つの紙のボックスに入れて家電量販店の店頭に並べて売り、そのソフトを年限期限なしに使える方式だった。しかし、最近はWEBのオンライン上でソフトを DL してシリアルナンバーを二段階認証を経てWEB送付や郵送されて来たものをソフトに書き込んだりし、1~数年ごとに利用料金が1か月~1年毎に定期的に徴収されてゆく方式に変わった。その料金も何だか最近は高くなって来た様な気がする。後者の方式だと料金徴収やアプリケーションのアップデートとかバージョンアップがあった場合にメーカー側がオンラインで刷新出来るから処理が便利なのである。これも社会的に Wi-Fi 通信が発達したお陰だろうと思われる。その一方、ユーザー側にとっては沢山あるアプリケーション毎にID、PW などのログイン情報を決め保管しておく必要があって中々大変だ。PCの中にログイン情報を保管する方式はあるが、パソコンもログイン情報の永続的な記録手段にはならないから、手書きのアナログメモをユーザーが保管しておく必要がある。
<English Version> There are a variety of applications used on computers, but manufacturers have recently changed the way they sell them considerably. In the past, applications were put on CDs, etc., put together in a paper box along with instruction manuals, and sold side-by-side at electronics stores, allowing users to use the software without an expiration date. However, recently, people have been downloading software online, entering the serial number through two-step authentication, and writing what was sent online or by mail into the software, and the usage fee is one month every one to several years. The system has been changed to one in which the tax is collected periodically every year. It seems like the prices have gotten higher recently. The latter method is convenient because the manufacturer can update the product online when there is a fee collection, application update, or version upgrade. This is probably due to the social development of Wi-Fi communication. On the other hand, it is quite difficult for users to decide and store login information such as ID and PW for each of the many applications. Although there are methods for storing login information on a PC, computers do not serve as a permanent means of recording login information, so users must keep handwritten analog notes.
<Japanese Version> 昨日、e-Tax を使って今年の確定申告を行った。結果的には17,900円を納税する結果が久々に出たが、80歳を越えると年金以外の収入を得る機会が極めて乏しくなり源泉徴収された税金が減少した所為であろう。そのメッセージに加えて『計算の結果以下の①、②に該当するため、所得税の確定申告と納税は不要です、と記されていた。 ①公的年金等の収入金額が400万円以下 ②公的年金等に係る雑所得以外の所得金額が20万円以下』という表示が出た。こんなことは初めてのことで、これも81歳を越えた老人に出た救済処置なのだろうか。”雑所得以外の所得金額が20万円以下”と言うのは去年もそうだったし、今年から初めて導入された処置なんだろうか? これまでは「所得が110万円以下なら確定申告は不要」とずっと思って来たが、公的年金以外に収入のない老人は税金を払わなくて良いと言うことかも知れない。但し、市民税にはこんな特典はないので市民税の申請は必要かも知れないが、一応私の平成5年分の確定申告データは税務署に既に送付してあるので一応は音なしの構えで良いかと思う。
<English Version> Yesterday, I filed this year's tax return using e-Tax. In the end, I ended up paying 17,900 yen in tax for the first time in a long time, but this is probably because once you reach the age of 80, there are very few opportunities to earn income other than pensions, so the amount of tax withheld at source has decreased. In addition to the message, it was written that. As the result of the calculation falls under ① and ② below, there is no need to file an income tax return and pay taxes. ①The amount of income from public pensions, etc. is 4 million yen or less, ②the amount of income other than miscellaneous income related to public pensions, etc. is 200,000 yen or less. This is the first time something like this has happened to me, and I wonder if this is also a relief treatment for an elderly man over 81 years old. The income amount other than miscellaneous income is less than 200,000 yen was the same last year, so is this the first time it has been introduced this year? Up until now, I have always thought that if your income is less than 1.1 million yen, you don't need to file a tax return, but this may mean that elderly people who have no income other than public pensions do not have to pay taxes. However, municipal tax does not have such benefits, so you may need to apply for municipal tax, but I have already sent my final tax return data for 2023 to the tax office, so I can just keep it silent for the time being. I think so.
<Japanese Version>
<English Version>
Since my earthquake insurance contract expires at the end of May, I
received a letter from my insurance company asking me to sign a contract
after June 1st. When I looked inside, I saw a new item called ''Earthquake
add-on special clause'' written in the earthquake insurance section. The
Noto Peninsula Earthquake occurred on New Year's Day this year, and even
my home in Shiga Prefecture, which is about 200 km away from the epicenter,
was shaken with a magnitude of 3 on the seismic intensity scale, and I
was very surprised to see that there was extensive damage near the epicenter.
I decided to call the insurance company and inquire about what this
"earthquake surcharge rider" was. I called around 4:00 pm,
but it took me a few minutes to get through to an operator. When I first
asked what the "earthquake add-on rider" was, I found out that
if the damage is determined to be less than half-destruction, the maximum
amount written on the earthquake insurance premium for buildings and household
goods. Apparently up to half of the amount will be paid. In this case,
if the building is completely destroyed or a fire occurs due to an earthquake,
fire insurance benefits will not be paid, and payments will only be made
from the earthquake insurance and the earthquake add-on rider. When
I asked how much my insurance premium would increase for the ``earthquake
add-on'' rider, I was told that it would be an increase of 24,000 yen,
which is higher than my current earthquake insurance premium of 20,000
yen. Earthquake insurance premiums were initially a few thousand yen
when they first started appearing 20 years ago, but they have skyrocketed
since the Hanshin-Awaji Earthquake and the Great Tohoku Earthquake, and
even the ”earthquake add-on'' contract period has increased. It's only
one year, so the plan is to increase the amount paid by a certain percentage
every year. Our family is in a difficult financial situation as we still
have to pay car insurance and vehicle inspection fees for more than 5 years,
so we are currently thinking about not taking out the ”earthquake add-on
rider'' until we retire from driving are doing.
<Japanese Version>
最近の情報量は質量的に規模が大きくなっており、これを取り扱うパソコンも64ビットのものが相応しいと言える。 Apple社では既に32ビット版のアプリへの対応を終了し、macOS
Catalina(カタリナ)以降は64ビット版Appのみサポートしているそうだ 。 パソコンを 新しいものにするとよく使う数十個のソフトを入れたり、よく使うサイトでのログイン情報・IDやPWの書き込み、古いパソコンの個人ファイル
の新パソコンへの移動、新しいパソコンにウィルスバスターなどのセキュリティーソフト の導入をしなければならず 中々大変だ。入れ替えて約1週間は忙しいが、しかし、その分脳の活性化に役立っているだろうと慰めている。
パソコンを 64ビットのものに変えて気が付いたのだが 、 情報量の計算処理が増えた所為か「フリーズ」する回数が増えてきたような気がする。 こんな場合、パソコンの電源ボタンを長押しして電源を切る私がこれまでやって来たズサンな簡易法は、パソコンのハードデスクやWindowsプログラムを破損して新しいパソコンを駄目にすることが多いから止めた方が良い。 WEBで調べてみると、キーボード上の[Ctrl]+[Alt]+[Delete]キーを押してWindowsの設定の「タクスマネージャー」を出し、その時点で動いているプログラムを停止させてからパソコン後ろ側の電源スィッチボタンを切断すると良いそうだ。
<English Version>
I recently replaced my frequently used Windows computer with a new one.
The main reason for this is that the minimum amount of information handled
by a computer's CPU was changed from 32 bits to 64 bits, and the amount
of memory was also increased several times. According to web information,
the maximum amount of memory that can be recognized by the 32-bit version
is 2 to 4 GB, and the 64-bit version can use approximately 8 GB to 2 TB
of memory, and recent new computers are 64-bit. is said to be the mainstream.
This is called the "capacity wall" due to the limits of standards
and performance.The larger the storage capacity, the more information it
can process. It seems that you can comfortably perform tasks that require
processing power. The amount of information these days is increasing in
scale, and it is appropriate for the computers that handle this to be 64-bit
computers. Apple has already stopped supporting 32-bit versions of apps,
and macOS Catalina and later only support 64-bit versions of apps.
When you get a new computer, you need to install dozens of frequently used
software, write login information, ID and PW on frequently used sites,
move personal files from your old computer to a new computer, and add security
such as virus busters to your new computer. I have to install software,
which is quite difficult. It's been a busy week since the change, but I'm
comforted by the fact that it's helping my brain become more active. After
changing my computer to a 64-bit one, I noticed that the number of freezes
has increased, probably due to the increased amount of information being
processed. In such cases, I have stopped using the cumbersome method of
turning off the computer by holding down the power button, as it often
damages the computer's hard disk or Windows programs and ruins the new
computer. It's better. When I looked it up on the web, I found that I pressed
the [Ctrl] + [Alt] + [Delete keys on the keyboard to bring up the "Task
Manager" in the Windows settings, stopped the programs that were running
at that point, and then It seems to be a good idea to disconnect the power
switch button. However, the other day, when I pressed ''Shutdown'' on the
Windows Power'' button on my computer, the monitor screen crashed and then
froze. In this case, I think the only option is to disconnect the power
switch button.
<Japanese Version>
昨年度から道路交通法が一部改正され自転車運転者は着帯の付いたヘルメットを着用すべく努力することとなっている。しかし「ヘルメットを着用するように務める」というだけで罰則はないからヘルメットの着用率は数パーセントと低いままで1年が過ぎた。私が属する軟式野球シニアチームでの先日の練習でチーム員の一人が「今年の4月から自転車運転者はヘルメットを着用することが義務になったなぁ!若い人はヘルメットを勝っていない人が未だ多いから、大変だ。」と言っていた。私は「へー、それは知らなかったなぁ」と軽く受け流しておいたが、シニアの会話はこの程度で良いのだ。家の帰ったあと家内に聞いてみたが、「うん、そうちゃう」なんて無責任な返事であった。それで Yahoo 検索で調べて見た所「今年4月から自転車運転者はヘルメットを着用しなければならない」なんて文言はまったくヒットしなかったから、上記の軟式野球シニアチーム員の話は噂に過ぎない様だ。
<English Version>
Since last year, the Road Traffic Act has been partially revised, requiring bicycle riders to make every effort to wear a helmet with a strap. However, since there is no penalty for "attempting to wear a helmet,'' the helmet-wearing rate has remained low at just a few percent for a year. During a recent practice with the senior softball baseball team I belong to, one of the team members said, "Since April of this year, it has become compulsory for cyclists to wear helmets! There are young people who don't wear helmets. It's tough because there are still so many." I dismissed it lightly and said, "Huh, I didn't know that," but this is fine for senior conversations. After I got home, I asked my wife, but her irresponsible reply was, "Yeah, that's what happened." So I did a Yahoo search and found no results for the phrase "Bicyclists will be required to wear helmets from April of this year,'' so it seems that the story of the senior softball team member mentioned above is nothing more than a rumor. Even in conversations with my wife at home, my wife's voice has increased considerably recently. When I was young, I was the mainstay of the family's finances, and since my wife was also young and had little experience in working for the company, I had a strong voice. However, as of late, I have become a pensioner nearing 80 years old, and my authority has diminished due to my aging and declining physical strength, so my wife, who is 5 years younger than me, has become increasingly harsh towards me. Does this mean to say, "When you get old, obey your wife and children?'' The conversation strangely progressed from "Rumors that wearing bicycle helmets has been made compulsory'' to "Oh my god.''
<Japanese Version>
先日家で15年以上使っていたPanasonicのPLCアダプター子機が壊れて用を足さなくなったので、同じものをYahooオークションで1,500円で落札した。我家では、インターネトプロバイダーからの光信号を電子信号に変えた後PLCアダプターを経由して100V電気配線か Wi-Fi無線アダプターかを経由してパソコンに送信し、WEBに接続している。PLCアダプターを経由すると大容量の信号が取り扱われるので通信は安定しているが、用いているWi-Fi無線アダプターは容量が小さいので通信が不安定になることが多いそうだ。最近のパソコンファイルはクラウドと称してマイクロソフト社などの通信会社のWEBサーバーにデーターを保管する方式が採用されていて比較的大きな情報通信がWEB通信網を双方向に往来していると言う。だから、通信容量の大きなPLCアダプター通信がお勧めらしい。PLCアダプターが壊れたので現在はWi-Fi無線アダプター経由の信号を使っているが、Yahooオークションで落札したPLCアダプターが今日来るらしいから試して違いを実感してみよう。
今回のYahooオークションでは、個人商店でのキャッシュレス支払いに使えるペイペイカードへの入会がオマケとして付いており、5,000円のポイントが付与されると言うから、ついつい 加入してしまった。近年はキャッシュレス支払い習慣が進んでおり、私は消費物質の購入にペイペイカードを使ったことがないから、カードが我家に配達されたら勇気を出して一度使ってみようかと思っている。
<English Version>
The other day, the Panasonic PLC adapter I'd been using at home for over 15 years broke and I couldn't use it anymore, so I bought the same one at Yahoo Auctions for 1,500 yen. At my house, we convert the optical signal from the Internet provider into an electronic signal, then send it to the computer via a PLC adapter, 100V electrical wiring, or Wi-Fi wireless adapter, and then connect to the web. Communication is stable when using a PLC adapter because large-capacity signals are handled, but the Wi-Fi wireless adapter used has a small capacity, so communication is often unstable. Recently, computer files are stored on web servers of telecommunications companies such as Microsoft, which is called cloud storage, and relatively large amounts of information are sent back and forth across web communication networks. Therefore, a PLC adapter communication with a large communication capacity is recommended. My PLC adapter broke, so I'm currently using the signal via a Wi-Fi wireless adapter, but the PLC adapter I won on Yahoo Auctions seems to be arriving today, so I'll try it out and see the difference.
This year's Yahoo Auctions included a bonus membership for a PayPay card that can be used for cashless payments at individual stores, and I was told that I would be given 5,000 yen in points, so I ended up signing up. In recent years, cashless payment habits have become more common, and since I have never used a PayPay card to purchase consumables, I am thinking of mustering up the courage to try using it once the card is delivered to my house.
<Japanese Version>
<English Version>
Cherry blossom season has arrived again this year. The cherry blossom
season lasts only about a week, but it is a season of warmth and cold,
flowers and fresh greenery, wind and haze, first meetings and separations,
haze and sunlight. I'm thinking of having a luncheon with two friends from
university next week in Yamashina for the first time in two months, so
I'm just emailing them to ask about their availability. This morning's
softball practice was canceled due to rain, but there are many rainy days
this season, and plans often go awry. Since we only practice once a week,
if one practice is canceled, the effect of free practice is very bad for
two weeks. Since there are many elderly people in the latter stages of
their lives who take weekdays off, it would be best to set aside extra
days on weekdays as well.
<Japanese Version>
<English Version>
In February, I updated my homemade computer and installed Windows 11 as the OS. Microsoft is also cautious when it comes to installing WINDOWS on home-built computers, and allows a 30-days trial period after installation to see if there are any changes in the device or the user after about a month before issuing the OK for WINDOWS 11 certification. Do you think that leaving a 30-days interval will prevent self-made computer sales and duplicate installations on multiple computers? A self-made computer can probably be made for less than half the cost of a commercially available computer from a manufacturer, but Microsoft probably approves of the creation of home-made computers and the installation of Windows from an educational standpoint. However, I would like to see an improvement in the fact that there are cases where the installation of WINDOWS can be confusing and difficult.
<Japanese Version>
<English Version>
On Friday, March 29th, I will be hospitalized at Shiga University of Medicine
to have a rather large colon polyp removed, but I will only be in the hospital
for one day. Due to arteriosclerosis, I am taking blood pressure lowering
drugs and anticoagulants, and when removing a rather large (about 3 cm?)
colon polyp, there is a risk that the bleeding may not stop, so I took
precautions after surgery. It is necessary to stay in the hospital for
just one night to monitor the prognosis. I found out in June of last
year that I had a slightly larger polyp, but at that time I was told that
since the first small polyp had been removed, I would have to remove the
slightly larger one in six months as it was not malignant. I was there.
As a pensioner, I am grateful that I will receive a benefit (60,000 yen)
from MetLife Insurance for the removal. I plan to undergo a colon camera
examination once every two and a half years, and every three to four months
I have my family doctor check my cancer marker values through a blood test,
so I'm planning to have my next colon camera examined. The camera inspection
will take place at the end of 2026.
<Japanese Version>
<English Version>
For the past 25 to 30 years, I have been donating 10,000 to 18,000 yen
a year to my alma mater, UNICEF, and Doctors Without Borders. Since retiring
from work, his monthly income has been reduced to a fraction of what he
expected, so he has limited his donations to his alma mater university
and Médecins Sans Frontières. Regarding UNICEF, I can't forget the UNICEF
mark written on food containers that I saw in the school lunch room from
around 1950 to 1950, when Japan was ruled by GHQ (Supreme Headquarters,
Supreme Allied Forces). At the same time, he must have felt grateful
from the bottom of his heart. Last fall, he changed his credit card information
after experiencing a phishing scam, but did not notify Médecins Sans Frontières. As
a result, I have not been able to withdraw the 1,500 yen each month, but
Médecins Sans Frontières has informed me that although they will ask me
to register for a new card, they will not take any action to collect the
uncollected money. So, now that I'm older, I'm thinking of taking this
opportunity to stop donating to Médecins Sans Frontières in addition to
Today, cherry blossoms have bloomed for seven minutes in Kusatsu and
Otsu City, magnolias and kobushi are also blooming, and even the snails
are starting to show their heads in the fields. I harvested about 50
clay brushes and ate ”Oshtaishi'' tonight. That's a blessing.
<Japanese Version>
<English Version>
One of the members of the softball team was fine on the day of the game a week ago, but suddenly she was hospitalized for treatment. The name of the disease is ``pulmonary empyema (lung abscess; purulent pneumonia),'' which is caused by a tumor forming in the lungs. It seems to occur when anaerobic bacteria in the oral cavity migrates to the lungs, but most of the causes are infection by bacteria in the oral cavity (especially anaerobic bacteria), and if the oral cavity is unclean or cavities are left untreated. When swallowed, many bacteria enter the lungs or enter the bloodstream and enter the lungs, making it more likely to cause a lung abscess. Treat by administering an antibacterial agent that is effective against the bacterium (the first choice is a combination of β-lactams/β-lactamase inhibitors; (e.g., ampicillin/sulbactam 1 to 2 g, intravenously injected every 6 hours). It seems to be done using . I hope he get well soon and resume his activities.
<Japanese Version>
<English Version>
It has been about 20 years since I joined a local softball club team, and
now the average age of the club members is in the late-elderly age group
of 75 to 78 years old, and at the end of last year, the club's philosophy
of the club changed from aiming to "participate in the national tournamen"
to "a club for maintaining health," and the number of members
was reduced to around 10. I myself am over 80 years old, and my offensive,
running, and defensive abilities in baseball and softball have fallen to
about 70% of what they were when I was younger, and I hardly practice independently,
like swinging a bat every night, and my physical strength continues to
decline. Club members are saying, ”Maybe this year we'll have one,” and
some are starting to say that we should turn it into a "lunch chat".
I have been allowed to participate in practices with a softball baseball
team that is sponsored by an acquaintance of mine in Otsu City, but lately
I have not been able to keep up with the difference between softball and
softball, and it is impossible to play both. It's starting to feel like
this. After that, I think I'll do my best with my hobby of riding a bicycle
and writing a blog using my computer.
<Japanese Version>
<Japanese Version>
According to this morning's TV news, sardines and Atka mackerel in Hokkaido and firefly squid in Toyama have been abnormally occurring and flooding the coast, and the local people can't even take them anymore, and the market price has dropped since last year. It is said that the price has fallen significantly compared to the previous year. It is thought that abnormal warming of ocean currents is the cause, but little is known about it. There have been abnormally large catches in the past, but it is rare to have large catches of multiple seafood species. It seems that there is a limit to the abundance of feed such as plankton and the supply of seawater oxygen for large numbers to occur, but I wonder what will happen. I would like to thoroughly investigate the cause of this problem and use it as a hint for improving aquaculture technology.
<Japanese Version>
<English Version>
There was a surprising incident in which Mr. M, a Japanese-English translator for MLB player O, manipulated O's bank account and deposited billions of yen of O's money into illegal sports betting. Player O was unfamiliar with American daily life, and probably trusted Mr. M enough to go beyond just being an interpreter and entrusting him with managing bank accounts and other matters similar to that of a secretary. Mr. M, a Japanese-English interpreter who had an annual income of about 14 million yen, was dazzled by the power to freely control O player's bank account, which was worth tens of billions of yen, and even got his hands on O player's assets. Probably. As the judicial investigation progresses, the innocence of Player O and the crimes committed by Mr. M and the sports betting partner are being revealed. The United States has a plea bargaining system to speed up the discovery of the truth about crimes, so Mr. M will have to tell prosecutors about the reality of his sports gambling in exchange for a reduced sentence (6-8 years in prison?). Even so, the obligation to return the stolen money to O player will remain for a long time.
<Japanese Version>
<English Version>
Recently, prices have been rising sharply, making it difficult for pensioners
like my family to cope with the situation, and the surplus that was available
at the end of January and February until the beginning of last year has
recently turned into a deficit. Currently, when I became a pensioner 19
years ago, I had a monthly pension of 240,000 yen and was able to live
a relatively stable life, but after 4 to 5 years, due to the pension reduction,
my monthly pension will be 220,000 yen. However, once or twice a year,
the couple was able to take a one-night trip to the Kinki area. Due to
the recent rise in prices of oil and grain due to Russia's progress in
Ukraine, and the tendency towards a weaker yen, the cost of living has
increased by several percent compared to 4 to 5 years ago, making life
extremely difficult, resulting in a deficit of around 20,000 yen per month.
It's here. My wife's pension is not currently included in living expenses,
but I would like to include it in living expenses and save money in the
<Japanese Version>
<English Version>
The season for the prefectural selection game for the senior softball
national tournament has arrived. The Prefectural Preliminary Tournament
for the Nenrinpics Pre-National Tournament will begin on April 29th (Monday),
which is a long holiday that begins next weekend, and our team is scheduled
to participate. The senior team in our age group has a large population
of elderly people, but the average age of the team is around 75 years old,
so all teams are short on players, and our team is also struggling with
only 12-13 players. Nine people were finally able to participate in next
week's Prefectural Preliminary Tournament before the Nenrinpics, but one
of them has weakened muscles and is unable to throw a softball between
the bases since it was the first time in 20 years. It had become. I believe
that even in grass softball, a team should have at least 10 players in
order to compete, so I advised the team representative to decline participation
in the prefectural qualifying tournament. As a result of renegotiating
with those who were absent, the team representative was able to change
one person to participate, and we are grateful that we were able to qualify
for the prefectural qualifying round. They haven't had much practice and
the team members' abilities have declined, so it would be a great success
if they could make it to the semi-finals.
<Japanese Version>
<English Version>
There are many commercial websites where you can obtain more useful information by specifying your ID and PW and becoming a member, and tens of percent of them collect information such as the user's name, date of birth, age, gender, family composition, and range of interests. There's something to hear I have registered with many websites, but some of them charge a fee after a certain period of time, and it seems that many of the internal regulations have provisions for charging fees. Famous sites like Goo¥¥¥ and Ado@@ change their fees from yearly to monthly without you even realizing it. I am trying to cancel my subscription from several such sites, but I often end up giving up on the cancellation process because there is so much information on the cancellation-related pages that it is hard to understand. I can't help but think that this kind of fee-based mechanism is done consciously, and it's really upsetting.
<Japanese Version>
<English Version>
Yesterday marked the beginning of the May holidays, which will be 10 days long for some people, and the senior softball team also participated in the ”Nenrinpick Shiga Preliminary Tournament”. Our team's average age is over 75 years old, and we haven't practiced enough as a team, so our team is extremely weakened, and one of the 10 participants in yesterday's first game had weakened shoulders. He is unable to throw the ball more than 10 meters. Because of this, I suggested that I decline to participate, but the team representative insisted that I participate. The opposing team was a team with a long history, but they were well-resourced with young players, and in the end, they were completely defeated, 16-5. It seems that there will be further discussions about whether or not to disband the team, but with only 6 or 7 members gathering for weekend practice, I think there will be no choice but to disband.
<Japanese Version>
大谷選手が出場するMLB「ドジャース vs ダイヤモンドバックス」の試合開始直前にバックネット最上部に多量のミツバチが集合して危険であることが分り、試合開始が2時間ほど延期された。蜂駆除業者が来るまでに1時間15分ほど掛ったのだが、業者はリフトに乗って、蜂駆除薬噴霧の後に蜂吸引機で蜂を吸い取って約10分で仕事を終えた。蜂駆除業者は観客からヒーローとして崇められ、試合開始前のセレモニーでは始球式の投手として再登場し、観客からヤンヤの歓声を受けていた。流石にアメリカは面白いなぁというエピソードであった。
<English Version>
Just before the start of the MLB game ”Dodgers vs. Diamondbacks,'' in which Otani was participating, it was discovered that a large number of bees had gathered at the top of the back net, causing a dangerous situation, and the start of the game was postponed for about two hours. It took about an hour and 15 minutes for the bee exterminator to arrive, but the exterminator got on a lift, sprayed the bee exterminator, and then used a bee suction machine to suck out the bees and finished the job in about 10 minutes. The bee exterminator was worshiped as a hero by the audience, and during the pregame ceremony, he reappeared as the pitcher to throw the ceremonial first pitch, receiving cheers from the audience. As expected, it was an episode that made me think that America is interesting.
<Japanese Version>
<English Version>
On May 6th, boxing super bantamweight world champion Hisaya Inoue defeated Luis Neri (Mexico), the No. 1 ranked Mexican in his weight class, by TKO in the 6th round in a four-group unification match. Luis Neri had ruined two scheduled world matches against former champion Shinsuke Yamanaka due to drug charges and being overweight, and he knocked out Yamanaka champion both times in provisional games held on that occasion. He is a bad boy who is forcing the Yamanaka Champion to retire. Undeterred by this, he once again cursed at champion Hisaya Inoue and at the Japanese fans. In this boxing match, Neri's accidental jab in the 1st round hit Inoue and knocked him down for the first time, but Inoue quickly recovered and stood up, knocking Neri down 3 times in the 2nd, 5th, and 6th innings, making it one-sided. He continued to attack and in the 6th round, he sent Neri to the mat with a TKO. He was in trouble because even though he had sustained so much pain, in an interview with a British reporter after the match, he said, ”It's no big deal, he's not the best in the world.”
<Japanese Version>
<English Version>
At the local community association, the board of directors is currently considering purchasing a medium-sized generator as one measure to counter the negative effects of cutting off essential public supplies such as electricity, water, and gas in the event of an earthquake. Since it is a medium-sized generator, its main purpose is to provide night lighting in specific areas of evacuation centers and to charge smartphones and laptops. However, no progress has been made in stockpiling enough fuel to power the generator for about eight hours a day. EENOUR's mid-sized generator called GT3500iO (60,000 yen) can run for 6 hours on 12L of gasoline and generates 2,800W of electricity. According to the Fire Service Act, if you don't have a hazardous materials storage facility, you cannot store more than 40 liters of gasoline, so even a medium-sized generator can only be used for about three days at six hours a day. If a power outage occurs due to an earthquake with a magnitude of 6 on the seismic scale, the power will be out for 10 to 20 days, so in order to purchase a generator, you must also consider building a new hazardous materials warehouse and appointing a person in charge of storing hazardous materials.
<Japanese Version>
小~中型の郵便物を送るときに私は日本郵便の”クリックポスト”を使っている。WHB(14~34cm、9~25cm, 3cm以内;1Kg以内)の品物をWEBで運賃(全国一律185円)決済し、ポストから出して相手の郵便受けに配送・追跡サービス付きの郵便である。例えば私はB5版の書籍や書類の郵送に使っている。クリックポストの便利な所は、送信人・着信人の住所氏名、郵便引き受け番号が記入されているクリックポスト用の添付用紙(A6大の大きさ)を日本郵便とWEB管理下に自宅で印刷し、料金を収められるのである。所が、最近はYahooやAmazonで料金を払うシステムに切り替わっている様で一寸困ったことが起こって使いにくくなって来た。と言うのも、クリックポストの添付用紙の印刷前に料金(185円)をYahooやAmazonに支払う様になっており、その後印刷操作との連携が上手く出来ていないのだ。即ち、料金を支払っても用紙の印刷が出来ず、その操作を先日は6回も繰り返して1,110円も無駄払いをしてしまった。これは明らかなシステムミスなので何とか修正して欲しいし、先日無駄に支払った1,110円も返金して欲しいものだ。
<English Version>
I use Japan Post's "Click Post" when sending small to medium-sized mail. WHB (14~34cm, 9~25cm, 3cm or less; 1Kg or less) items are paid online for shipping (185 yen nationwide), removed from the post and delivered to the recipient's mailbox, with tracking service included. For example, I use it to mail B5 books and documents. The convenience of Click Post is that you can print out the attached Click Post form (A6 size) containing the sender's/receiver's name, address, and postal acceptance number at home under the management of Japan Post and the web. , you can pay the fee. However, recently they seem to have switched to a system where you pay through Yahoo or Amazon, which caused some problems and made it difficult to use. This is because you have to pay a fee (185 yen) to Yahoo or Amazon before printing the attached Click Post paper, and after that, the printing operation does not work properly. In other words, even after paying the fee, I was unable to print the paper, and the other day I repeated this operation six times, wasting 1,110 yen. This is an obvious system error, so I hope they fix it somehow, and I also want them to refund the 1,110 yen I wasted the other day.
When I pointed out improvements to be made in the inquiry system on the
Japan Post website regarding this issue, two days later I received a message
saying, ”Freight payment processing (billing processing) will be done at
the time the package is accepted at the post office, so it will not be
shipped.'' At first, I felt relieved when I received a reply saying, ”In
this case, payment processing (billing processing) will not be performed.''
Even so, I replied, ”Even though it is not possible to print paper for
Click Post, only the price is added up on the web, which makes me feel
very anxious as a user, so I would like to see an improvement in this regard.''
<Japanese Version>
家で使っているパソコンの調子が悪くなったので約2カ月前に OS(WINDOWS10)を更新し、汎用ソフトを導入する過程で Ad#b$ の 無償 PDF Reader をダウンロードし使用した所、同社の PDF ファイル編集ソフトが同時にインストールされた。この PDF ファイル編集ソフトを少し試したのだが、この試用をすると年間使用を申し込んだことになるらしい。そのため、2か月後のクレジットカード支払いで PDF ファイル編集ソフトの年間使用料月額支払い分(1800円+消費税180円=1980円)が請求されていた。これだと年間に換算すると1980円 × 12 =23,760円支払うことになり甚だ困るので Ad$b$ のホームページで解約を試みたが、内容が分り難くく複雑な内容で手続きを終える事が出来なかった。それで、Ad$b$ のサポートセンターの電話番号を探し出し、電話して解約・支払い拒否を申込んだ所、意外とあっさりそれらが認められた。
上記のクレジットカード支払いの調査で App&e から2件の使った意識のない 楽曲 DL に対する請求が2件(6400円+1080円=7480円)請求されていることが分り、この場合はクレジットカードの月払い明細に関するホームページサイト上で「心覚えのない請求だ」と指摘した所、1ケ月後に返金された。この不正請求がどのような原因で誰がしたのかが分らず、甚だ不満は残っている状態だ。今後、クレジットカードの月払いの明細表をよく調べ、不正請求に対処しなければならないと思う。
<English Version>
The computer I use at home was not working properly, so I updated the OS (WINDOWS10) about two months ago, and in the process of installing general-purpose software, I downloaded and used Ad#b$'s free PDF Reader. PDF file editing software was installed at the same time. I briefly tried out this PDF file editing software, and it seems that if you try it out, you'll be signing up for a year's use. As a result, I was charged the annual monthly usage fee for the PDF file editing software (1,800 yen + 180 yen consumption tax = 1,980 yen) when I paid my credit card two months later. This would mean paying 1,980 yen x 12 = 23,760 yen per year, which would be extremely inconvenient, so I tried canceling on the Ad$b$ homepage, but the details were difficult to understand and complicated, making it impossible to complete the procedure. I could not do it. So, I found the phone number of Ad$b$'s support center and called them to request cancellation/rejection of payment, which was surprisingly easily approved.
In the above credit card payment investigation, it was found that App &e had charged two charges (6,400 yen + 1,080 yen = 7,480 yen) for two music downloads that they were not aware of, and in this case, the credit card payment was when I pointed out on the website regarding my monthly payment statement that it was a charge I didn't recognize, I was refunded a month later. It is unclear what caused this fraudulent billing or who made it, and we are extremely dissatisfied. From now on, I think I will have to carefully check my monthly credit card statement and deal with fraudulent charges.
<Japanese Version>
日記 205)(2024年2月5日)で入院経験者の高齢者に対する滋賀大学疫学検査(SESSA)を昨年11月に受け、2月に診断結果を得たが、それに
『「頸動脈瘤が進んでいる」ので精密検査を受けよ』と画像データ付きの紹介状が付いていた。5年ほど前に受けた前回の SESSA で 『頸動脈瘤が血管径が6割塞がっているので注意が必要だ。7割を超えると「軽動脈ステント留置術(CAS)をする必要があるので今後薬物服用と定期検査をする様に』と言われていた。それに基づき4月初めに滋賀医大の脳神経外科に出かけて放射線科で頸動脈の超音波検査とMRI検査をし、脳神経外科医の診察を昨日受けた所だ。所が、驚いたことに「脳神経外科医の診察では頸動脈瘤は殆ど認められない。若干動脈瘤の痕跡があるので血液凝固阻止剤リクシアナとコレステロール移動防止剤ゼチーア及び降圧薬の服用を続け、半年に1回軽動脈瘤の超音波検査をしましょう」と提案された。画像も見せて貰ったが、動脈内の血液はスムーズに流れていた。こんなに劇的な改善があるのかと不思議な気がする。11月の超音波検査の予約をして来たが、楽しみである。
<English Version>
Diary 205) (February 5, 2024), I took the Shiga University Epidemiological Examination (SESSA) for elderly people who had been hospitalized in November last year, and received the diagnosis results in February. It came with a letter of introduction with image data that said, "Your condition is progressing, so please undergo a detailed examination.'' The last SESSA I took about five years ago said, The carotid artery aneurysm has blocked 60% of the blood vessel diameter, so you need to be careful. If my condition exceeded 70%, I was told that I would need to undergo light artery stent placement (CAS), so I would need to take medication and have regular check-ups from now on. Based on that, I went to the neurosurgery department at Shiga Medical University in early April. I had an ultrasound and MRI of my carotid artery at the radiology department, and was examined by a neurosurgeon yesterday. However, to my surprise, the neurosurgeon's examination found almost no carotid aneurysm. There were some traces of an aneurysm, so I continued to take the blood coagulation inhibitor Lixiana, the cholesterol transfer inhibitor Zetia, and antihypertensive drugs, and it took six months. "Let's have an ultrasound scan for minor aneurysms once every 24 days," he suggested. -I was shown images, and the blood inside the arteries was flowing smoothly. I find it strange that there is such a dramatic improvement. I've made an appointment for an ultrasound in November, and I'm looking forward to it.
<Japanese Version>
先日私の知人が『最近知らない番号の電話から屡々電話が掛かってきて「詐欺電話ではないか?」と疑われて困っている」と話していた。それでその知人は「その電話番号を "Google 電話番号検索" で調べている」と述べていた。考えるに "Google 電話番号検索" で調べると例えば著名な企業や国家・地方自治体関連団体などの代表電話は検索結果として出てくるだろうが、詐欺者の個人的な電話番号を調べても多分「該当なし」くらいの答えが出てくるのではないかと思う。それで自分の携帯電話番号を "Goo\le 電話番号検索" で調べてみた所、大した結果は得られなかった。
<English Version>
<Japanese Version>
<English Version>
The Sumo Tournament is currently being held in Osaka, and it is a popular
sport in Japan, with large crowds every day when the Juryo and Makuuchi
wrestlers compete. The nationalities of the sumo wrestlers are also international,
with the addition of Mongolia, Russia, and Bulgaria. However, looking
at their efforts, most of the wrestlers wear supports on their arms and
legs, and looking at the star list in the newspaper, six of the top rankers
are absent, and it is difficult for wrestlers to maintain their physical
condition since it is a martial arts sport. It seems like something like
that. If you think about it, sumo wrestling is held at six locations a
year, and each location lasts for 15 days, so there are 90 days of competition
each year. There are probably many injuries due to the intense martial
arts, and it seems that there are many diabetic patients or pre-diabetic
patients because they eat a lot to maintain their large bodies.
As a suggestion, I think sumo should be held at three venues a year, and
sumo wrestlers should be given more rest and time off. There will also
be a need to double the income from broadcasting rights fees and other
fees that the company receives from six locations a year.
Yesterday, the temperature was around 25 degrees and the weather was sunny, so my wife and I went to the Kyoto Prefectural Medicinal Botanical Garden to see a rose exhibition. The botanical garden was celebrating its 100th anniversary, so it seemed like a commemorative exhibition. Admission is 200 yen for the general public, but people over the age of 70, whether residents or non-citizens, can enter for free, which is a great news. Kyoto has a lot of foreign tourists visiting Japan, and I wonder if medicinal plants will be part of the tourist facilities. There were many foreign visitors at the 2,000 square meter rose garden in the southeast corner. The roses were in full bloom, giving off a nice fragrance. The photo below on the left is part of a rose garden with Mt. Hiei in the background.
My university classmate K and his wife grow roses in Kyoto City, and they
hold an exhibition at the Kyoto Botanical Garden every year around this
time, but yesterday they no longer held an exhibition, and instead they
had an exhibition of potted Satsuki. I was holding a meeting. To the
north of the rose garden is an irises and irises garden that is in full
bloom right now, which I also saw. I was pretty tired by the time I got
there, so I headed home.
The school district residents' human rights committee meeting will be held today for the first time this year. I am planning to attend this year as I am a member of the human rights committee of one of the city's W school district (approximately 100 households). I think this year's activity schedule, budget, communication methods, etc. will probably be decided. There are no specific human rights issues in the school district these days, so it is important to raise residents' awareness of general issues, such as customer harassment, knowledge of foreign workers, and how to deal with them. It will probably be proposed. Human rights issues in our school district are not issues that can be quickly resolved, so the residents have little interest in them, but in a liberal society, improving the human rights to freedom must be recognized as an important awareness.
The schedule for the meeting was the self-introduction of the 13 new committee members, and the 2024 business plan and budget. The new chairman explained the eight-point main business plan. The main goal of the activity is that under the supervision of the school district human rights education committee, each neighborhood association will hold a human rights study roundtable for school district residents in November using videos and other teaching materials. I will be studying at lectures hosted and co-sponsored by the City Human Rights Center from July to September so that I can become a better person. This year's annual budget is 85,000 yen, which will be used for participants' transportation expenses, lecturer fees, and tea fees distributed to participants, which is about 30,000 yen more than last year and 70,000 yen more than when I was a member last time. It's getting cheaper. At recent meetings, lecturers have been asked to give lectures from lecturers recommended by the City Human Rights Center who receive low fees, and due to the recent outbreak of coronavirus pneumonia, out-of-prefecture training using city buses has not been held for three to four years. Probably from. If this trend is adopted again this year, the budget for this year will end at around 40,000 yen, and the budget will be cut down even further in the future, and some kind of countermeasures (such as purchasing a DVD projection device) will be necessary to prevent this.
There are several TV programs that I watch every week, and two of them are ''You Are Going to Japan'' on Mondays from 6pm to 10pm, and ''Cheering Team for People Who Want to Go to Japan'' that airs after that. It's familiar. I think these two programs are one because they are always broadcast consecutively. In the former, reporters (interviewers, interpreters, cameramen) go to Haneda Airport, Kansai Airport, etc. and ask people who appear to be foreign tourists, ''What country are you from?'' ''What are you coming to Japan for?'' This is a program where you can ask questions and have various conversations, and then ask interested people to interview you closely during your stay. In the latter case, reporters go to Europe, North America, and South America to find people who have a considerable degree of interest in Japanese crafts, cuisine, sports, martial arts, traditional culture, etc., and then send them to Japan for about 10 days. They will be invited to participate in the program and will be able to watch them receive instruction from Japanese experts.
The former program lasts only 5 to 15 minutes for each group to complete, but it's really interesting to watch because you can see what foreigners are interested in when they come to Japan, and how it all turned out. In the last episode of the latter program, a middle-aged British man who was fascinated by mackerel sushi was chosen to be invited to Japan. He is interested in how mackerel, which is perishable and difficult to obtain in Europe, is harvested, transported and cooked in Japan, as well as the Japanese cooking techniques, seasonings and kelp used in the process of making mackerel sushi. I had always wanted to go to Japan. I believe that this is an important program as an opportunity to promote Japan's delicate traditional crafts, techniques, and craftsmen to the world, and to reacquaint the Japanese with themselves.
The fist-shaped subcutaneous tumor, more than 10 centimeters in diameter, that has been forming under the right buttock for over 20 years has recently become quite large and has started to bother me. The doctor I saw when I was a boy said it was probably a penicillin injection scar, but I started riding a road bicycle around the time I retired (for about 25 years?), so I think that's what stimulated my size recently. There is. However, recently I started to notice its existence, so I decided to have it removed by S University Plastic Surgery. I received a letter of introduction from the orthopedic surgeon at a nearby clinic, and was examined at S University Plastic Surgery, where it was discovered that the affected area was a relatively large subcutaneous tumor, so there was a problem in draining blood from the large affected area after excision, and it took only 4 days. He was told that he would need to be hospitalized for at most a week. The surgery actually took two hours under local anesthesia, and he had some difficulty getting into a sleeping position due to the location of the affected area, but he was discharged after being hospitalized for a week. He was discharged after resisting the wishes of his attending physician, who wanted him to stay in the hospital for about 10 days, so the wound continued to be disinfected and replaced every day after he was discharged. Judging from the situation, it seems that he did not have much experience in removing large subcutaneous tumors like this one. It will probably take two to three weeks after the surgery to remove the stitches from the affected area, but I will tell you about the progress after that.
The Surgical_Scar (4cm × 10cm)
A tumor the size of a fist in his right hip was removed by the Department of Plastic Surgery at the S Medical University Hospital, and after being hospitalized for a week, he continued to receive treatment as an outpatient to have the trauma medication replaced after 10 stitches. Recently, replacing trauma medications (antiseptics, gauze, bandages, water-retaining curtains, etc.) is rarely as painful as in the past, and I am grateful for the progress that has been made. In the past, when replacing trauma drugs, gauze stuck to the wound and was difficult to remove, hindering wound healing, and applying antiseptics such as iodine tincture and Oxyflu was extremely painful. There are gauze products on the market that are designed to make it difficult to adhere to the wound, such as Merorin Tape and Hydrowet, and there are also protective membranes that repel water in the shower and adhesive plasters that are waterproof and have great adhesion. That's a blessing.
The other day, I had surgery for a subcutaneous tumor (covered by health insurance) at the plastic surgery department of S Medical University. What surprised me was that all the doctors who cared for me there were women. According to the medical website, ”Plastic surgery mainly treats diseases that interfere with the ability to lead a comfortable daily life, such as the function and form of the surface of the body, and helps patients reintegrate into society, or improves their daily life. The main role is to improve quality. On the other hand, orthopedics deals with diseases of bones, joints, muscles, etc. that interfere with people's ability to perform daily movements such as walking and sitting. Cosmetic surgery is a part of the field of plastic surgery, and most of the treatments will be outside the scope of health insurance. When I was 70 years old, my daughter used to say to herself, ”I wish I had had orthodontic treatment when I was a girl,'' but at that time the treatment cost 300,000 to 400,000 yen, and as an office worker, she couldn't afford it. I think it was quite difficult. In my opinion, it was relatively painless at the time, but I feel like parents have become a little more familiar with it these days. In other words, recently, the term ”cosmetic surgery'' has become a common topic in news reports and commercials, and has become a topic of interest among junior high school students. It would be better to have double eyelids, teeth alignment, nose bridge correction, etc. done when the child is young, which is difficult as it is likely to become a financial burden on the parents.
* 3Dホログラム:物体が目の前にあるかの様にに、立体的な映像を映し出す技術である。3D映像を何もない空間に投影すると、まるで本物が目の前にある様に見える。一般的な立体映像では3Dメガネなしで正面からの映像のみ見えるが、3Dホログラムでは側面や背面からも肉眼で見ることが出来る。
New banknotes will be revised and issued for the first time in 20 years starting in July. The people printed on the banknotes are Eiichi Shibusawa (10,000 yen bill), Umeko Tsuda (5,000 yen bill), and Shibasaburo Kitasato (1,000 yen bill), historians who were ordinary people. The most reasonable reason for the new publication seems to be to prevent counterfeiting, but Japan's printing technology ranks among the top in the world, and this time 3D holograms are being used, so counterfeiting will be extremely difficult. I'm just amazed. It seems that retailers will need to spend a considerable amount of money to update their vending machines and register systems, but there also appears to be some public support available. In Japan, methods of purchasing consumable materials such as credit card payments have not yet made much progress, so there is still a great need for banknotes and coins, but it will probably take about 10 years for old banknotes and new banknotes to coexist.
* 3D hologram: A technology that projects a three-dimensional image as if the object were right in front of you. When you project a 3D image onto an empty space, it looks as if the real thing is right in front of you. With regular stereoscopic images, you can only see images from the front without 3D glasses, but with 3D holograms, you can see with the naked eye from the sides and back.
The straight tube mercury fluorescent lamps (1.2m, 2) installed on the ceiling of the kitchen had deteriorated, so I replaced them with LED lamps and was surprised to find that the brightness doubled. In addition to the different colors of light (daylight color and high color rendering), LED lamps also come in inverter direct tube type and inverter glow type, so be careful as you will not be able to use them unless you choose carefully. I bought this one because it has a high color rendering (ordinary white fluorescent light color) and glow method, but it cost about 9,000 yen for two bottles, so I regret that I bought something too expensive. There is. It is said to last for 40,000 hours (27 years when lit for 4 hours a day), so be careful the next time you buy a new one (in about 10 years?).
LED fluorescent lamps are not glass tubes but are plastic cylindrical tubes, and the inside is probably filled with nitrogen or helium gas, and about 140 LED light emitters are arranged in it.
人気番組「開運!なんでも鑑定団」(テレビ東京)の放送を録画する会が遂に我が居住地のK市に今秋やって来るらしく、6月号の K市広報誌に別刷りのチラシで差し込まれていた。この広報の仕方から見ると、この番組は国民の人気が高いのでどうやら「のど自慢」(NHK)と同じ様に市町村などの地方自治体が積極的に開催を呼び掛けているものらしい。10月20日にK市の会館(854名収容)で行われる録画会への参加希望者名を往復葉書に2名まで(我が家では家内と私)を書いてK市の広報課に郵送したのだが、結果発表は9月下旬らしく、どれくらいの競争率なのだろう。実際にTVで放映されるのは年末頃だろうか、楽しみである。
It appears that a recording session for the popular program ”Good Fortune! Nandemo Appraisal Group'' (TV Tokyo) will finally come to our K City of residence in this fall, and a separate flyer was inserted in the June issue of the K City public relations magazine. Judging from this method of publicity, it appears that local governments such as municipalities are calling for the program to be held, just like ”Nodojiman'' (NHK), as this program is very popular among the people. I wrote the names of up to two people (in my case, my wife and myself) on a return postcard and mailed it to the K City Public Relations Department for the recording session that will be held at the K City Hall (854 people capacity) on October 20th. However, it seems that the results will be announced in late September, so I wonder how competitive the competition will be. I'm looking forward to seeing it actually aired on TV around the end of the year.
The Digital Agency recently announced that it will abolish all "analog regulations'' that require documents to be submitted and stored by fax or floppy disk (FD) to ministries and agencies during administrative procedures. This can be understood as a natural result of the recent state of information and communication, as the amount of digital data has become even larger. However, we must not forget that FD was a pioneer in the storage of digital data, not analog data, and its inventor was Japanese. It's true that the storage capacity is around 1MB, so they may not be useful these days, but I still have a lot of the FDs I used in the past in my study, which makes me feel nostalgic. How will the way digital data is stored and communicated change in the future? I would like to see new laws created to accommodate these changes.
I have three children (a boy and two girls), and one boy lives with me, but my two daughters live in Tokyo and Osaka. I buy seasonal fruits (peaches, chestnuts, grapes, figs, persimmons, etc.) on Mercari and send them to my two daughters about twice a year. The other day, I bought 4 to 5 small watermelons at a cheap price at a store in Wakayama Prefecture and sent them home, and they were sweet and well-received. You can also consider large watermelons, but they vary in taste, but small watermelons usually have a certain flavor and texture, and are rarely hit or miss, and I can send 4 to 5 pieces at a time. My wife wants us to buy something for my parents to eat, so I'd like to wait a little longer before buying.
64GB スペースグレー SIMフリーが届いた。iPhoneXは外観は新品と変わらないほど整備されているが、最近のiPhoneの機種変更では「クイックスタート」という操作があり、新旧のiPhoneを近付けると旧スマホで使っていた設定・データ・アプリなどが新スマホに直接無線移動するらしい。ここに至る過程を試みたが、私は内容がほぼ理解できずにお手上げの状態となった。それで「にこスマ」に返品したい意向の電話を掛けた所「当サポート係ではバックアップや設定のアドバイスはするが、商品の設定操作を顧客に代わってやることはなく、今の段階では返品は受付けできない。」と言う冷たい返事であった。それで「クイックスタート」や「iTune(iSO16を含むらしい)をインストールしたWINDOWSパソコンとiPhoneXを有線接続する」などの操作をしつこく行った所、全て成功し問題は解決した。
<Part 1: Purchase>
I was recently considering buying a new iPhone 8 because I was worried that Apple's warranty would expire in about a year. Although I would consider it, since I am in the latter stages of my pension life, it would be nice to have some kind of extra income, but it would be difficult. However, the activity support funds that the environmental beautification volunteer group that I am participating in have been receiving from the foundation for several years include personnel expenses, and I was having trouble figuring out how to use that money, but last year I decided to consider it. It was decided that the allowance would be given to the volunteers, and I was given about 50,000 yen, which I had accumulated as my allowance. I was so grateful that I decided to spend about 30,000 yen and buy an iPhone X.
This time I searched for a used iPhone So, I decided to buy an item that cost 30,000 yen, and at the same time, I decided to sell an iPhone 7 at the same store for 8,000 yen. iPhoneX 64GB Space Gray SIM-free arrived two days after purchase. iPhone It seems to be wirelessly transferred directly to the new smartphone. I tried the process to get here, but I couldn't understand most of the content and ended up giving up. iPhone It seems to be wirelessly transferred directly to the new smartphone. I tried the process to get here, but I couldn't understand most of the content and ended up giving up. So, when I called Nikosuma and said I wanted to return the product, they said, ”Our support staff will provide backup and configuration advice, but we will not be responsible for configuring the product on behalf of the customer.” At this stage, we cannot accept returns.'' "I can't accept it," was the cold reply. So I persistently performed operations such as Quick Start and Connect iPhone.
4日ほど後に「にこスマ」からメールが来たが、「iPhone8の査定買い取り額は 8,000円」であり、私の見立て通り内容はランクAだったのだろう。8,000円は Amazonで使えるギフトカードであった。
<Neko Pit>
The next step in buying and selling an iPhone on Nikosuma was to sell an iPhone 8, but I proceeded to the purchase page following the flow of the page when purchasing an iPhone X. I've had my iPhone 8 for about 3 years now, but I've used it relatively cleanly without any damage, so I think it's an "A rank" (8,000 yen). When I applied for "purchase", the next day (July 15th), I received an email from "Nikosuma'' stating that "the provisional purchase application has been approved. '' The iPhone Recently, Yamato Transport has a system called "Neko Pit" where the recipient/sender's name and address are not revealed and the delivery is delayed. After applying, a QR code for use with "Neko Pit" was sent to an SMS on iPhoneX.
When I visited the Yamato Transport office with a photo of the QR code and my iPhone 8, I found a QR code reader and printer available, and a delivery slip (with no information such as the name of the sender, recipient, or item being shipped). It took about 3 minutes to pack up the iPhone 8, and the shipping process was completed in about 3 minutes. I thought it was a really convenient procedure.
The design of the gold, silver, and bronze medals at the Paris Olympics appears to be in the shape of the rising sun, but strangely, some public opinion in K country, which dislikes the rising sun, has not made any comments. However, a professor at K University in particular has raised the issue with the world, saying that the design with radial lines is reminiscent of the Japanese flag, but he has not issued any statement this time.
They don't seem to like the painting that depicts the sun with a red circle with radial rays, but the sun's shape is one of the basic and essential designs of humans, and it is not something that some people in K country prohibit. Probably not. The K Country Athletic Association for Persons with Disabilities has stated that the gold, silver, and bronze medals from the recent Tokyo Olympics and Paralympics (designs similar to the medals from the Paris Olympics) are reminiscent of the Rising Sun flag, and the International Olympic Committee refuted this claim by saying, "There is no problem.'' However, in this case, do you think that it will be difficult to challenge Paris, the capital of France in Europe?
新しい iPhoneX では家の Wi-Fi では WEB を閲覧出来るが、設定が悪いのか戸外環境ではWEB 閲覧が出来ない。そこで iPhone を使う長男に相談した所次のような手順を教示してくれた。①検索サイトで「MIneo (私が契約する通信社) スマホが繋がらない」で検索する。②その回答中「機種変更後、ネットワークにつながらなくなった」を開く。③WEB サイトが提供するネットワーク設定(iOS 端末用)をダウンロードして設定する。と回答が出た。それを実行した所、何と戸外でもインターネッなどの共有ネットワークを検索出来るようになった。誠に有難いことである。スマホの機種更新には毎回同じようなトラブルがあってスムーズに進まないので、この解決法を記録に残しておこうと思う。
With the new iPhoneX, I can browse the web on my home Wi-Fi, but perhaps due to bad settings, I can't browse the web outdoors. So I consulted my eldest son, who uses an iPhone, and he taught me the following steps. ①search for MIneo (the news agency I subscribe to) my smartphone won't connect'' on the search site. ② In the answer, open ''After changing the model, I can no longer connect to the network.'' ③ Download and configure the network settings (for iOS devices) provided by the website. I got the answer. When I executed this, I was able to search shared networks such as the Internet even when I was outdoors. I am truly grateful. I have the same problems every time I update my smartphone model and it doesn't go smoothly, so I thought I'd record this solution.
今日は早朝からパリ五輪の男子サッカー「日本 vs イスラエル」(午前3時~5時)を観戦していた。女子代表も含めて中2~3日に1戦あるし、観戦するのはサッカーだけではないので観戦する方も中々大変だ。結果は1-0で日本が勝利しベスト8になると共に予選リーグ(Dグループ)1位で通過して準々決勝から始まる決勝トーナメントに進むことが決まった。次戦は優勝候補のスペインとの対戦だが五輪は予想実力を出せないことも大いにあるので余り気にしていない。五輪サッカーチームはOA(オーバーエイジ)を3人まで加えることが出来る訳だが、日本チームは今回OA無しの唯一のチームだそうだ。OAの加入はメリットもデメリットもあり、例えばメリットはOAの技術・経験の導入、デメリットはOAへの気遣い・遠慮であろうか? 今回の日本チームは「チームに課された問題を同じ年齢のチーム員全員で考え実行する姿勢・成長する」を目指していると考えられる。今は、その姿勢が+に出ていると見られ、せめて五輪ベストまでは獲得したいものである。
Today I was watching the men's soccer match Japan vs. Israel (3:00 a.m.
to 5:00 a.m.) at the Paris Olympics since early morning. There is one
match for the girls' team, including the girls' team, on the second or
third day of junior high school, and it's not just soccer that you watch,
so it's quite difficult for people to watch. As a result, Japan won 1-0,
making it to the top 8 and finishing first in the preliminary league (Group
D) to advance to the final tournament, which starts with the quarterfinals.
The next match will be against Spain, who are the favorites for the championship,
but there are many chances that they won't be able to show their expected
ability in the Olympics, so I'm not too worried about it. There are advantages
and disadvantages to joining OA, for example, the advantage is the introduction
of OA technology and experience, and the disadvantage is consideration
and reservations about OA. This time, the Japanese team seems to be aiming
for the attitude of thinking and implementing problems assigned to the
team with all team members of the same age, and growing. Now, it seems
like that attitude is showing positive results, and I would like to at
least get the Olympic best.
One of my relatives, who is 86 years old, has been hospitalized and cared
for at a certain hospital in H City for many years. Although his gastrointestinal
condition is healthy due to years of hospital food, his leg strength has
weakened due to lack of exercise, and he has been using a wheelchair with
assistance for the past 10 years. Since he had been ill since he was young,
he is single and has no family, so I have recently become his ''adult guardian''
under the Ministry of Justice, managing his stay in the hospital and his
living expenses. He has been hospitalized at the same hospital for nearly
20 years, and since last year he has been requesting that he consider discharge
because his symptoms have improved. The patient's income is just under
100,000 yen per month from pensions and pensioner support payments, which
is enough to cover his current hospitalization, but after he is discharged
from the hospital, he will be living in a residence such as an elderly
welfare facility with nursing care, which will cover his living expenses.
I am very worried about whether I will be able to survive on a monthly
income of less than 10 yen due to rising prices and caregiver allowances.
I myself don't have any knowledge about elderly housing with nursing care,
nursing care, public assistance, or disability qualifications, so I think
it would be better to gather this knowledge and knowledge about support
before trying again.
I am a member of an environmental beautification volunteer group made up of about 30 people in my neighborhood, and I am involved in pruning and mowing vegetation around public roads (sidewalks, roads, parks, etc.), private houses, and vacant houses. Environmental beautification volunteers consist of Group A (30 people) who do activities once a month, and Group B (13 people) who do activities about 12 times a month. I am active in Group B. In addition to working in close contact with the town development council, which is the autonomous organization of the school district, we purchase cleaning equipment, fuel, etc. with the budget of K City and financial support from several public and private activity support foundations.
While I do volunteer work, I also need to prune and weed the hedges and plants in my garden, so I volunteer to rent a relatively expensive (around 50,000 yen) engine-starting and battery-powered mowers and pruners (hedge trimmers). I came here. However, in recent years, high-performance lithium batteries have become cheaper, making mowers and hedge trimmers lighter and cheaper. There are mowers on the market that cost between 10,000 and 20,000 yen and have high performance that even individuals can buy, and I decided to buy a battery-powered mower for 10,000 yen. Since I have the same battery and charger that the volunteers use, I used a mower made by M Company, which is the same model as the volunteer's.
The amount of weeds in my house is about one full garbage bag designated by K City, so the amount of mowing with a mower is not that big, but I still need to deal with the weeds 4-5 times a year, so I think it's reasonable to buy a mower. .
This year's typhoons have been conspicuous in many cases, forming just south of the Japanese archipelago, heading north, and then directly traversing the Japanese archipelago. Typhoon No. 10 is moving at a slow speed and is expected to make landfall on the Kishu Peninsula on August 28th (Wednesday), heading towards Lake Biwa. The problem was that it was supposed to rain heavily from around August 25th (Sunday) before landfall, and the "Volunteer Exchange Summer Garden'' that was scheduled for that day, organized by the neighborhood association, was canceled early, and the alcohol tickets that I had bought were cancelled. The meal ticket money was refunded today. I am truly sorry.
Every fall, my family purchases three bags of that year's new rice (each bag weighing 30 kg) from a farmer we know, but recently the delivery time has been moved forward each year to avoid harvesting during the heat and typhoon season. This year, to avoid the impact of Typhoon No. 10, the harvest has been moved forward by about 10 days, and the new rice will be delivered tomorrow (August 25th). Fuel prices have soared due to the conflict in Ukraine, and the price of new rice is 9,000 yen per 60 kg, an increase of 1,000 yen from last year.
台風の進路予報を見ていると最近は「線状降水帯」という新しい言葉が盛んに出て来て危機を煽っている。 「線状降水帯」とは次々と発生する発達した雨雲(積乱雲)が列をなし数時間にわたってほぼ同じ地域を 通過または停滞することで作り出される長さ50~300km程度、幅20~50km程度の線状に伸びる強い 降水域を言い、その地域に土砂崩れや洪水などを齎す可能性が高い。これはTVやパソコンなどの映像技術が発達した結果、新たな情報表現テクノロジーであろうと思われる。しかし、私は「線状降水帯」と言うものは大昔から存在した自然現象で、「地球温暖化」などによって新たに近年発生したものではないと思っている。
When looking at typhoon path forecasts, the new term ''linear precipitation belt'' has recently come up frequently, aggravating the crisis. A "linear precipitation belt" is a region of about 50 to 300 km long and 20 to 50 km wide, created when developed rain clouds (cumulonimbus clouds) form one after another and pass or stay in the same area for several hours. It refers to an area of strong rainfall that extends in a linear shape, and is likely to cause landslides and floods in the area. This seems to be a new information expression technology resulting from the development of video technology such as TVs and computers. However, I believe that ''linear precipitation belts'' are a natural phenomenon that has existed since ancient times, and are not something that has recently occurred due to ''global warming.''
The area around my house, which is about 6 km east of Lake Biwa, has never been affected by linear rain belt damage, so it seems that there is a topography that is prone to linear rain belts, and there is a 4-5 hundred meter high mountain on the east side. I think it would be necessary to have a requirement that there is, but if you look at the TV footage, it also occurs at sea, so I don't think it's a necessary condition. In the future, we will keep an eye on whether there are any places on the ground where it will always occur.