237) 日記 「京都府立植物園に行った」  "I went to Kyoto Botanical Garden"









 Yesterday, the temperature was around 25 degrees and the weather was sunny, so my wife and I went to the Kyoto Prefectural Medicinal Botanical Garden to see a rose exhibition.  The botanical garden was celebrating its 100th anniversary, so it seemed like a commemorative exhibition. Admission is 200 yen for the general public, but people over the age of 70, whether residents or non-citizens, can enter for free, which is a great news.  Kyoto has a lot of foreign tourists visiting Japan, and I wonder if medicinal plants will be part of the tourist facilities. There were many foreign visitors at the 2,000 square meter rose garden in the southeast corner.  The roses were in full bloom, giving off a nice fragrance.  The photo below on the left is part of a rose garden with Mt. Hiei in the background.


 My university classmate K and his wife grow roses in Kyoto City, and they hold an exhibition at the Kyoto Botanical Garden every year around this time, but yesterday they no longer held an exhibition, and instead they had an exhibition of potted Satsuki.  I was holding a meeting.  To the north of the rose garden is an irises and irises garden that is in full bloom right now, which I also saw. I was pretty tired by the time I got there, so I headed home. 
