105) 日記 「滋賀医大 SESSA 診断結果到着 = Shiga Medical School SESSA Diagnostic Results Arrived」
<Japanese Version> 滋賀医大で昨年11月19~20日に受信したSESSA (滋賀医大動脈硬化疫学研究)の受診者別診断結果・調査の結果が送付されてきた。大体予想通りの異常診断結果が主として以下の4か所が指摘されていた。
3)頭部 MRI 検査の結果、左前頭葉と小脳に塞栓症を疑う所見を認めた。
<English Version> The results of the SESSA (Shiga University School of Medicine Study
of the Epidemiology of Sclerosis of the Atherosclerosis), which was conducted
at Shiga University of Medical Science on November 19-20, 2011, were sent
to us. The results of abnormal diagnoses were as expected, mainly in
the following four areas
(1) A cardiac CT scan showed severe arteriosclerotic changes in the blood
(2) Resting electrocardiogram showed atrial fibrillation (arrhythmia).
(3) An MRI scan of the head revealed findings of suspected embolism in
the left frontal lobe and cerebellum.
(4) Respiratory function tests revealed high levels of nitric oxide, suggesting
the possibility of allergies such as rhinitis and asthma.
These are things that have been pointed out to many elderly people, including
myself, in view of their advanced age. In particular, the first question
is the degree of allergy, and I wonder if the catheter should be inserted
immediately. In any case, I will bring these materials to my doctor
for consultation when I go to see him for a regular checkup in mid-March,
but I should be careful since his judgment tends to be to have me diagnosed
and treated.
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