248) 日記 「iPhone8をiPhoneXに買い替えた(その1)」  "I replaced my iPhone 8 with an iPhone X (Part 1)"


 今回中古のiPhoneXはAmazonで探した所、伊藤商事の子会社である「にこスマ」と言う店がバッテリーや外観を整備した商品をメルカリよりも1万円ほど高い3万円前後で売っていたので、3万円の品を選び買うことにし、同時に同じ店にiPhone7を8千円で売ること決めた。購入2日後にはiPhoneX 64GB スペースグレー SIMフリーが届いた。iPhoneXは外観は新品と変わらないほど整備されているが、最近のiPhoneの機種変更では「クイックスタート」という操作があり、新旧のiPhoneを近付けると旧スマホで使っていた設定・データ・アプリなどが新スマホに直接無線移動するらしい。ここに至る過程を試みたが、私は内容がほぼ理解できずにお手上げの状態となった。それで「にこスマ」に返品したい意向の電話を掛けた所「当サポート係ではバックアップや設定のアドバイスはするが、商品の設定操作を顧客に代わってやることはなく、今の段階では返品は受付けできない。」と言う冷たい返事であった。それで「クイックスタート」や「iTune(iSO16を含むらしい)をインストールしたWINDOWSパソコンとiPhoneXを有線接続する」などの操作をしつこく行った所、全て成功し問題は解決した。

<Part 1: Purchase>

 I was recently considering buying a new iPhone 8 because I was worried that Apple's warranty would expire in about a year.  Although I would consider it, since I am in the latter stages of my pension life, it would be nice to have some kind of extra income, but it would be difficult.  However, the activity support funds that the environmental beautification volunteer group that I am participating in have been receiving from the foundation for several years include personnel expenses, and I was having trouble figuring out how to use that money, but last year I decided to consider it.  It was decided that the allowance would be given to the volunteers, and I was given about 50,000 yen, which I had accumulated as my allowance. I was so grateful that I decided to spend about 30,000 yen and buy an iPhone X.

 This time I searched for a used iPhone So, I decided to buy an item that cost 30,000 yen, and at the same time, I decided to sell an iPhone 7 at the same store for 8,000 yen.  iPhoneX 64GB Space Gray SIM-free arrived two days after purchase. iPhone It seems to be wirelessly transferred directly to the new smartphone. I tried the process to get here, but I couldn't understand most of the content and ended up giving up. iPhone It seems to be wirelessly transferred directly to the new smartphone. I tried the process to get here, but I couldn't understand most of the content and ended up giving up.  So, when I called Nikosuma and said I wanted to return the product, they said, ”Our support staff will provide backup and configuration advice, but we will not be responsible for configuring the product on behalf of the customer.” At this stage, we cannot accept returns.'' "I can't accept it," was the cold reply.  So I persistently performed operations such as Quick Start and Connect iPhone.
