106) 日記 「小沢征爾氏の死去 = Death of Conductor Seiji Ozawa」

<Japanese Version   世界的な音楽指揮者・小澤征爾氏(88歳)が1月6日亡くなられたそうだ、死因は心不全だと言う。日本の音楽家として世界を舞台にこれだけ広く活躍されていたのは恐らく彼だけだろう。音楽の世界だけなく”人”としてこれだけ世界に名と実力を知られ煌めいた日本人は歴史上彼だけではないかと思う。大指揮者のカラヤン、バーンスタイン、ミュンシュ、斎藤秀雄氏(チェリスト、指揮者)に師事しニューヨークフィル、オーストリアフィル、ボストンフィル、東京フィルハーモニーの指揮者を長年勤めた実力は流石である。世界に出て行ったのは彼が若かりし頃に東京フィルの楽団員と対立したことが切っ掛けだと言うから、何が人間の原動力の源になるか誰にも分からない。1972年に日本芸術院賞、2003年サントリー音楽賞、2008年に文化勲章、2016年に米グラミー賞を受賞したそうだから凄い。 筑波大名誉教授の小澤俊夫さんは兄、俳優の小澤幹雄さんは弟。俳優の小澤征悦(ゆきよし)さんは息子、エッセイストの小澤征良(せいら)さんは娘。ミュージシャンの小沢健二さんは甥と言うから、多彩な一族だ。ご苦労様、有難うございました。 

<English Version>   World-renowned music conductor Seiji Ozawa, 88, passed away on January 6, reportedly from heart failure.      He was probably the only Japanese musician who was so widely active on the world stage.    He was probably the only Japanese musician who was so widely active on the world stage, not only in the world of music, but also as a person whose fame and ability were known throughout the world and who shone brightly in history.    He studied under great conductors such as Karajan, Bernstein, Munsch, and Hideo Saito (cellist and conductor) and served as the conductor of the New York Philharmonic, Austrian Philharmonic, Boston Philharmonic, and Tokyo Philharmonic for many years.    He was awarded the Japan Art Academy Prize in 1972, the Suntory Music Award in 2003, the Order of Culture in 2008, and a Grammy in 2016. Amazing.   Toshio Ozawa, professor emeritus at the University of Tsukuba, is his older brother, and actor Mikio Ozawa is his younger brother. Actor Yukiyoshi Ozawa is his son, and essayist Seira Ozawa is his daughter.    Musician Kenji Ozawa is his nephew, making them a diverse family.        Thank you very much for your hard work.


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