119) 日記 「内視鏡的大腸ポリープ切除」  Endoscopic Colon Polypectomy

<Japanese Version


<English Version>
On Friday, March 29th, I will be hospitalized at Shiga University of Medicine to have a rather large colon polyp removed, but I will only be in the hospital for one day.   Due to arteriosclerosis, I am taking blood pressure lowering drugs and anticoagulants, and when removing a rather large (about 3 cm?) colon polyp, there is a risk that the bleeding may not stop, so I took precautions after surgery.   It is necessary to stay in the hospital for just one night to monitor the prognosis.   I found out in June of last year that I had a slightly larger polyp, but at that time I was told that since the first small polyp had been removed, I would have to remove the slightly larger one in six months as it was not malignant.   I was there. As a pensioner, I am grateful that I will receive a benefit (60,000 yen) from MetLife Insurance for the removal.   I plan to undergo a colon camera examination once every two and a half years, and every three to four months I have my family doctor check my cancer marker values through a blood test, so I'm planning to have my next colon camera examined.   The camera inspection will take place at the end of 2026.
