243) 日記 「新紙幣発行」  "Issuance of new banknotes"


 * 3Dホログラム:物体が目の前にあるかの様にに、立体的な映像を映し出す技術である。3D映像を何もない空間に投影すると、まるで本物が目の前にある様に見える。一般的な立体映像では3Dメガネなしで正面からの映像のみ見えるが、3Dホログラムでは側面や背面からも肉眼で見ることが出来る。

 New banknotes will be revised and issued for the first time in 20 years starting in July.  The people printed on the banknotes are Eiichi Shibusawa (10,000 yen bill), Umeko Tsuda (5,000 yen bill), and Shibasaburo Kitasato (1,000 yen bill), historians who were ordinary people.  The most reasonable reason for the new publication seems to be to prevent counterfeiting, but Japan's printing technology ranks among the top in the world, and this time 3D holograms are being used, so counterfeiting will be extremely difficult. I'm just amazed.  It seems that retailers will need to spend a considerable amount of money to update their vending machines and register systems, but there also appears to be some public support available.  In Japan, methods of purchasing consumable materials such as credit card payments have not yet made much progress, so there is still a great need for banknotes and coins, but it will probably take about 10 years for old banknotes and new banknotes to coexist.

 * 3D hologram: A technology that projects a three-dimensional image as if the object were right in front of you.  When you project a 3D image onto an empty space, it looks as if the real thing is right in front of you.  With regular stereoscopic images, you can only see images from the front without 3D glasses, but with 3D holograms, you can see with the naked eye from the sides and back.
