245) 日記 「開運!なんでも鑑定団 in K市」   “Good luck! Anything TV-Broadcast Program in K City”

 人気番組「開運!なんでも鑑定団」(テレビ東京)の放送を録画する会が遂に我が居住地のK市に今秋やって来るらしく、6月号の K市広報誌に別刷りのチラシで差し込まれていた。この広報の仕方から見ると、この番組は国民の人気が高いのでどうやら「のど自慢」(NHK)と同じ様に市町村などの地方自治体が積極的に開催を呼び掛けているものらしい。10月20日にK市の会館(854名収容)で行われる録画会への参加希望者名を往復葉書に2名まで(我が家では家内と私)を書いてK市の広報課に郵送したのだが、結果発表は9月下旬らしく、どれくらいの競争率なのだろう。実際にTVで放映されるのは年末頃だろうか、楽しみである。




 It appears that a recording session for the popular program ”Good Fortune! Nandemo Appraisal Group'' (TV Tokyo) will finally come to our K City of residence in this fall, and a separate flyer was inserted in the June issue of the K City public relations magazine.  Judging from this method of publicity, it appears that local governments such as municipalities are calling for the program to be held, just like ”Nodojiman'' (NHK), as this program is very popular among the people.  I wrote the names of up to two people (in my case, my wife and myself) on a return postcard and mailed it to the K City Public Relations Department for the recording session that will be held at the K City Hall (854 people capacity) on October 20th. However, it seems that the results will be announced in late September, so I wonder how competitive the competition will be.  I'm looking forward to seeing it actually aired on TV around the end of the year.

