102) 日記 「桐島容疑者の死 = Death of Suspect Satoshi Kirishima」
<Japanese Version> 50年ほど前に革新系反戦団体に加盟した若者は大抵は大学生が多数だったのだろうが、その頃彼らの所属する革新系団体の資金的・物質的・精神的な支えは中国・北朝鮮やソ連などの共産圏国家が支えていて、日本国内での革命行動の実行を内々に命じていたのであろう。その一翼を担ったのが桐島容疑者らが起こした大企業に対する一連の続爆破事件であり、それで多数の一般の人々が死傷した。
<English Version> The young people who joined the anti-war groups about 50 years ago were
usually university students. At that time, their groups were financially,
materially, and spiritually supported by communist bloc countries such
as China, North Korea, and the Soviet Union, which probably gave them unofficial
orders to carry out revolutionary actions in Japan. One part of this
was a series of bombings of major corporations carried out by the Kirishima
suspects, which killed and injured a large number of ordinary people. Satoshi
Kirishima, now over 70 years old and suffering from terminal cancer, was
taken to a hospital and given treatment under the health insurance system,
so he was forced to use his real name. He died three days after being
taken into custody, so he must have been very sick. However, his relatives,
including his brother? and other relatives publicly declared that they
would refuse to accept the body. He may have said selfishly as ever,
"I want to go back to my hometown to rest and die," but
even though it was a youthful mistake, the abominable stigma attached to
Satoshi Kirishima for the past 50 years must have been unforgivable for
his relatives. Despite his own feelings, will he have to be buried in
obscurity? It seems to me that the youthful aspiration to bring about a
revolution in the world will leave nothing but emptiness in its wake when
it crumbles.
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