<最も最近に公開したアイテム Recently Uploaded Iems>

・ 日記 「草シニアソフトボールシーズン開幕」  "Grass Senior Softball Season Begins"

・お薬四方山話 「こむら返り」  "Cramps"

・日記 「物価値上がりの生活への影響」  “The impact of rising prices on life”

・日記「アメリカのスポーツ賭博の異常さ」  “The Abnormality of American Sports Betting”

・日記 「一部海産物の異常豊漁」  "Abnormally rich catch of some marine products"

・日記 「ソフトボール仲間の入院」  “Softball friend hospitalized”

・日記「国境なき医師団への寄付の中止」  “Cancellation of donations to Doctors Without Borders”

随筆 「ジレット商法」 ”Gillette Business Method”






 Hello, I am an elderly man whose nickname is 'Daisaku-ji'' who retired from a salaryman a long time ago.    Thank you very much for your support.    I pursued a career as a medical technician (pharmacist in pharmaceutical technology).



日記 Diary/随筆 Assay


I have had no trouble writing since I was young, and perhaps because of this, I have been writing diaries (several hundred characters) and essays (several thousand characters) since I got older.    Here I will be introducing what I have written and what I have newly written.



お薬四方山話 Topics of Drug


   Although I am a pharmacist who has been involved in drug development for many years, I am not a pharmacist, so I do not have detailed knowledge of therapeutic drugs.    However, I believe that I have more knowledge about medicine and medical care than the general public, so for several years I serialized various stories about medicine in the monthly newsletter of the ''Town Development Council'' in my hometown at the request of an editor.    Here, I will be presenting 30 of thosecolumns in sequence.




自 作 曲 My Writed and Composed Songs



   I'm not a music professional, I'm not good at singing, and I can't play any musical instruments very well, but around the age of 55, I became interested in creating MIDI songs, and started using Yamaha's XGWorks 4.0, Internet Inc.'s SSW, etc.    I have created many popular songs using commercially available DOW software. There was no problem when I listened to it myself, but in the past, when it was made public, copyright issues for the main melody, accompaniment, and lyrics often came up.    However, I now know that if I write the lyrics myself and add my own main melody and accompaniment using Internet Inc.'s software called SSWLite10, I can publish them without copyright issues.    Here I will introduce some of my own compositions with lyrics, melodies, and accompaniment created by such amateurs.    I should be happy to hear the opinions and impressions of our viewers.