117) 日記 「桜の季節」

<Japanese Version>


<English Version>

 Cherry blossom season has arrived again this year. The cherry blossom season lasts only about a week, but it is a season of warmth and cold, flowers and fresh greenery, wind and haze, first meetings and separations, haze and sunlight. I'm thinking of having a luncheon with two friends from university next week in Yamashina for the first time in two months, so I'm just emailing them to ask about their availability. This morning's softball practice was canceled due to rain, but there are many rainy days this season, and plans often go awry. Since we only practice once a week, if one practice is canceled, the effect of free practice is very bad for two weeks. Since there are many elderly people in the latter stages of their lives who take weekdays off, it would be best to set aside extra days on weekdays as well.
