


<Japanese Version>


  ★名 前  : ”大さく爺”(Daisaku-ji) なお、作詞・作曲者名は ”おおた俊”です
  ★職 業  : 元薬剤師で現在無職。製薬技術を持った化学系薬剤師であり、薬局の投薬系薬剤師ではありません。
  ★出身地  : 大阪府
  ★現住地  : 滋賀県
  ★年 齢  : 高齢者クラス
  ★性 別  : 男性   
  ★メルアド :

 もし読者さんから末尾の「コメントフォーム」や へのメールで建設的なコメントを頂ければ幸いに思います。



 著者は後期高齢者の一人で、かつては医療技術者(薬剤師)= 製薬科学系化学技術者として過ごし、一男二女を育てた者です。現在は無職で滋賀県南東部の都市で夫婦でほぼ年金を生活資金として過ごしています。趣味と近隣自治会関係の環境美化ボランティアやシニアソフトボールクラブに所属して活動し、元気に暮らしています。このブログではそんな老人生活で経験して感じたこと、知ったことを書いた日記・随筆や創作したMIDI曲(作詞・作曲)を披露したいと思います。政治的な話や第三者や団体の中傷・非難は原則的にしない積りですが、少しは出てくるかも知れません。70数年程生きてきた人間の言うことは今後同じ様な道を歩むであろう若い人や中年の人の参考になるだろうと思い、是非参考にして頂ければ幸いです。なお、このブログではアフィリエイトCMが随所に出てきますが、そこで紹介している商品の価格は変動しているものがありますので購買に当たってはご自身で調べ直して下さるようお願いします。また、アフィリエイトCMに感心のない方は適宜ネグレクトして下さるようお願いします。

<English Version>

Hello, my nickname is "Osakuji" and I am a retired office worker.   When I was a student, I belonged to an athletic club. ★ Name: “Daisaku-ji) (Daisaku-ji), the lyrics and composer name is“ Otoshi Otoshi ”★ Occupation: Former pharmacist and currently unemployed.   I am a chemical pharmacist with pharmaceutical technology, not a pharmacy pharmacist.
★ Birthplace: Osaka
★ Current location: Shiga Prefecture
★ Age: Elderly Class
★ Gender: Male


   Currently, I am hanging out with friends in my neighborhood who are walking the same path through my hobbies (environmental beautification volunteers, senior softball team), and personally, I am creating my own MIDI songs using commercially available DOW software, and I am enjoying my free time.    I write essays and diaries on various topics, and on nice days I ride my road bicycle for 10 to several tens of kilometers to train my legs, hips, lungs, heart, and brain, and to prevent dementia or being confined to a wheelchair in the near future.    I'm trying to live a life of old age.    Starting in the spring of 2023, I would like to start a blog where I will introduce my essays, diaries, and songs and lyrics that I have written so far.    I would appreciate it if readers could give me constructive comments using the comment form at the end or by email to



<Policy of this Blog>

   The author is one of the elderly, and used to work as a medical engineer (pharmacist) = pharmaceutical science chemical engineer, and raised a son and two daughters. Currently unemployed, my wife and I live in a city in the southeastern part of Shiga Prefecture, living mostly on our pension.    As a hobby, I am active as an environmental beautification volunteer related to the neighborhood association and belong to a senior softball club, and I am living a happy life. In this blog, I would like to share my diary and essays about what I experienced, felt, and learned during my life as an elderly person, as well as MIDI songs (lyrics and music) that I created.    As a general rule, I won't talk about politics or slander or criticize third parties or organizations, but it may come up a little.    I believe that the words of someone who has lived for around 70 years will be helpful to young and middle-aged people who may be walking a similar path in the future, so I hope they will find this helpful.    If you are not impressed with affiliate commercials, please ignore them accordingly.   I believe that the words of someone who has lived for around 70 years will be helpful to young and middle-aged people who may be walking a similar path in the future, so I hope they will find this helpful. Please note that affiliate commercials appear throughout this blog, but the prices of the products introduced there may fluctuate, so please do your own research before making a purchase. Also, if you are not impressed with affiliate commercials, please ignore them accordingly.