(04) 「あの日のこと」 "About that Day"
<Japanese & English Version>
今や老令となった夫婦の二人が出会ったあの若かりし頃を思い出し、Tango に乗せて歌います。「初めて声を掛けたときはどんなだったかなぁ」なんて思い出しませんか。子供に聞かれると「家内が声を掛けて来たんだよ」なんて言って逃げますが、本当はどうだったんでしょうか? この詩は私の本当の場面とは随分状況が変わっていますが、心もちは余り変化はない様な感じですね。
The couple, who are now elderly, remember the days when they met when they were young and sing along to the Tango. Do you remember what it was like when you called out to someone for the first time? When a child asks about it, they say, ''My wife called out to me,'' and run away, but what really happened? The situation in this poem is quite different from my actual situation, but I feel like my feelings haven't changed much.