257) 日記 「アンコン語」  ”Unconsious Bias”

 先日聞いた人権教育の教育講演で「アンコン語」なる新しい用語が出て来て戸惑ったが、これは「無意識のうちに思い込んで、悪気もなく相手に言ってしまう言葉が、実は相手にとって違和感~差別感を抱いたり傷ついたりしている……。そんな言葉のことをアンコンシャス・バイアス(unconscious bias;無意識の思い込み)語、通称「アンコン語」と言い下記の様な沢山の例があるが、人権問題とし専門家に取り上げられている。最近の人権問題は大学で社会学部が研究を活発化していることもあって多様化・細分化が進んでいる様だ。





 In an educational lecture on human rights education that I heard the other day, I was confused when a new term called "uncon language'' came up. This is words that we unconsciously assume and say to others without any malice, but actually feel strange to the other person. Such words are called unconscious bias words, commonly known as ”unconscious words,'' and have recently been taken up by experts as a human rights issue.  Human rights issues seem to be becoming more diverse and segmented in recent years, partly because sociology departments at universities are becoming more active in their research.

 For example,

 ① Living at home with your parents is a pity even after you become a member of society.

 ② My wife will be happy with the layout that makes it easy to do housework.

 ③ It's amazing that women buy houses!

 ④ Couples. If you're looking for a new house, you'll have to think about the children's room.

 ⑤ Living together means getting married, right?

 ⑥ The kitchen is for women, right?

 ⑦ As the eldest son, he will eventually live with his parents. Right?

 ⑧ I feel sorry for the children when I move.

 ⑨ People who live in cities are cold.

 ⑩ It would be better to live a relaxing life in the countryside after retirement.

 ⑪ If you don't have children, it will be difficult because you won't have anyone to take care of you in your old age.

 ⑫ You have to take care of your parents because you are the eldest son or daughter.

 ⑬ It is up to children to take care of their parents.

 It has been cited as an example of ”uncon language,'' and people are urged to be careful not to hurt people's feelings or be discriminatory.  In my opinion, the only things that should not be said in examples 1 to 13 above are 1, 6, and 13, but with the necessary condition, the others appear in everyday conversations, and I also know people who know them. You might use it naturally in a conversation with a friend.
