240) 日記 「大きな皮下腫瘍を取除いて貰った」  "I had a large subcutaneous tumor removed."




 The fist-shaped subcutaneous tumor, more than 10 centimeters in diameter, that has been forming under the right buttock for over 20 years has recently become quite large and has started to bother me.  The doctor I saw when I was a boy said it was probably a penicillin injection scar, but I started riding a road bicycle around the time I retired (for about 25 years?), so I think that's what stimulated my size recently.  There is. However, recently I started to notice its existence, so I decided to have it removed by S University Plastic Surgery.  I received a letter of introduction from the orthopedic surgeon at a nearby clinic, and was examined at S University Plastic Surgery, where it was discovered that the affected area was a relatively large subcutaneous tumor, so there was a problem in draining blood from the large affected area after excision, and it took only 4 days.  He was told that he would need to be hospitalized for at most a week.  The surgery actually took two hours under local anesthesia, and he had some difficulty getting into a sleeping position due to the location of the affected area, but he was discharged after being hospitalized for a week. He was discharged after resisting the wishes of his attending physician, who wanted him to stay in the hospital for about 10 days, so the wound continued to be disinfected and replaced every day after he was discharged.  Judging from the situation, it seems that he did not have much experience in removing large subcutaneous tumors like this one.  It will probably take two to three weeks after the surgery to remove the stitches from the affected area, but I will tell you about the progress after that.
