[29] 随筆 「メタンの温室効果」 "The Greenhouse Effect of Methane"
Panel on Climate Change;気候変動に関する政府間パネル)の第5次評価報告書によると、その地球温暖化への寄与は同じ量の二酸化炭素の28倍で温室効果の比率はCO2が65%、CH4が16%だそうだ。但し、この数字はガスの単位重量あたりの温室効果であって、温暖化をもたらす効果は単位量あたりの温室効果と濃度増加のかけ算で決まるそうだ。
メタンの他にも温暖化ガスがあり、一酸化二窒素(N2O)、フロン類、六フッ化硫黄(SF6)などCO2、CH4、N2O、HFC、PFC、SF6 等の削減が同時に叫ばれているが、これらについては別の機会に説明したい。
Methane (CH4) is a greenhouse gas that has the second largest impact on global warming after carbon dioxide, and its C-H covalent bond strongly absorbs infrared rays from the sun and releases that energy to the outside, which results in warming the earth, and therefore has a major impact on global warming. According to the Fifth Assessment Report of the IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change), methane's contribution to global warming is 28 times that of the same amount of carbon dioxide, and the ratio of greenhouse effects is 65% for CO2 and 16% for CH4. However, this figure is the greenhouse effect per unit weight of gas, and the effect on global warming is apparently determined by multiplying the greenhouse effect per unit amount by the increase in concentration. For this reason, it seems that a fundamental measure will not be taken unless we hurry to reduce carbon dioxide (CO2), which has the greatest contribution to global warming. The main natural sources of methane are from the action of bacteria such as wetlands, rice paddies and termites, and from oil fields and natural gas fields, while anthropogenic sources are diverse, including livestock farming (burps from cows, goats, sheep, etc.), rice cultivation (produced underground in rice paddies), landfilling, and biomass burning.
Of these, the large amounts of methane generated during fossil fuel extraction in oil and natural gas fields have recently become a problem. Methane is a type of greenhouse gas, and the reasons it has a greenhouse effect are: 1) it has the second largest impact on global warming after carbon dioxide. 2) it has a stronger greenhouse effect than carbon dioxide for the same weight, and 3) its average lifespan in the atmosphere is relatively short, about 12 years, but for the same weight it has a stronger greenhouse effect than carbon dioxide.
There are other greenhouse gases besides methane, such as nitrous oxide
(N2O), fluorocarbons, and sulfur hexafluoride (SF6), and there are calls
for the reduction of CO2, CH4, N2O, HFCs, PFCs, SF6, etc., but I would
like to explain these on another occasion.